Frank's Hoff page
Someone actually went to the trouble to do this to me?!? (no, it wasn't me!)

Some other hoff sites: - The David Hasselhoff Compendium - has some hoff games! - A dedicated domain name - Nice! :) - article on the smh site - Site that the smh article links to - not bad.

The following are my own creations:

Bake hoff...

When you don't wanna be disturbed on msn...

The Hoffice
(this has been done heaps of times already - probably after i did mine :)

Rip off of the original "the dream team" hoff... but with me in it :)

When you wanna write a letter to your mum, create a...

Ho Ho Ho...

Here's a couple made by Randy...

HFC - Hoff Football Club


Other Hoffs i've received in emails...

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