Oh my god, don't touch me! I'm famous!!!

That's right folks, Dan Warne of Australian Personal Computer magazine decided to do an article on my totally awesome work desk and it's finally hit the shelves!

I spoke to my local newsagent last week asking when the November issue of APC will be available and she said that it was already supposed have hit the shelves last Wednesday. I was a bit disappointed because I was rather anxious to see the article. I then spoke to Dan and asked him what's up with the delay, he told me that they had to somehow contain the awesomeness of my article so they decided to hold back on printing it for a week. Understandable, I suppose...

Here's the front page so that you know what to look for the next time you visit the newsagent:

And here's the article:

Thanks goes to Dan and APC Magazine for the great article!

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