23/12/2006 ----------Had a dodgey laptop power supply the last couple of days so I haven't been able to do any updates. Ahh well, Merry Christmas everyone, i'll have a big update soon :) 20/12/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/fishing - Ouch! Get your puke bucket ready... turkeyshooter.pps - Doing the rounds again... barmy-army.jpg - And here's hoping for 5-0 :) frankfur.pps - Noice cars :) 34stone.jpg - Appropriate choice of ad... http://www.shoutfile.com/v/bhtceTXe/Man_In_31-Wheel_Roller_Suit_(Goes_100KMH) - You could skate and take a nap at the same time with this suit... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dmVU08zVpA&eurl= - Excellent gift idea for the ladies... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o2JT9N5Un0 - "Ever been this drunk?" - Oldie, but a goodie... 19/12/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blk35pDBhLI&eurl= - Tickle me Emo http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/southern_counties/6182155.stm - "Man fell asleep on railway line" 18/12/2006 tbwa_xmas.wmv - Awww... 15/12/2006 signs-of-stupidity.pps - Not bad... some old, some i haven't seen before (and therefore new). ----------Yes it's the silly season and i've got a lot on (work's been busy too), which is why i've been slow with the site... Got about 120 unread emails to go through ugh... 14/12/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3NVJ4pEFuY - 100% working scale model ferarri - plain awesome. Too bad he forgot the remote control... tom_cruise_the_hobbit.jpg - Actually, i think hobbits are taller... 13/12/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/nice-chopper - You wouldn't want this bird to crap on ya... gladys_and_herbert.pps - :) 12/12/2006 dwarf-fight.wmv - Hey! It's 'little people'! 11/12/2006 tony-jaa-ong-bak.wmv - I'd like to see him do that on an xbox! brokeback-football.jpg - Bit silly... bestseparationletter.jpg - Oldie, but a goodie... parachute.wmv - Why polar bears shouldn’t visit the desert. 8/12/2006 xmas-toonz.pps - And so is this one... although I haven't seen 'em in a slideshow before so i guess that makes it a bit more exciting than seeing it in previous years... http://franksemails.com/pics/santa - Letters to Santa... This one's doing the rounds again... infrared-fart.wmv - Awesome stuff - I've gained a new-found respect for the Infrared part of the spectrum. human-tee.wmv - Damn, he missed... advent-calendar.jpg - No better way to count down the days 'till Christmas :) 7/12/2006 jims-brazilians.jpg - :) http://franksemails.com/pics/nokia6639 - OMG IM SO BUYING 1 LOL!!!1 (no, it's not real) 6/12/2006 granny-accident.jpg - The email said: "FW: If you laugh, you are a bad person". holy-shit.wmv - Too bad the driver was too slow. Idiot. pamukkaler-russell.pps - Same as the one I posted yesterday, but the text is easier to read. Still didn't bother reading it. Thanks Russell! :) 5/12/2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6205744.stm - Almost that time of the year again - THE GOAT MUST BURN!!!! dogy5mx.jpg - It's all relative really - if you put it up against a cat then it doesn't look half as bad... pamukkaler.pps - Whoever did this slideshow didn't think it through - light coloured text against a light coloured background = i'm not gonna bother reading it. Not bad though. http://franksemails.com/pics/action-shots - Misc action shots... http://franksemails.com/pics/the-scenic-route - Use the chain only if you're a pussy... http://franksemails.com/pics/jap-tow-trucks - Inventive... 4/12/2006 judgement3.wmv - judgement2.wmv - judgement1.wmv - I've posted one of these a little while back... funny stuff :) petrol-station-static.wmv - Oops... http://fcmx.net/vec/get.swf?i=003702 - Interesting art work... http://www.celebfanforum.com/showthread.php?p=5493 - Dumbass and her (photoshopped?) Brazilian. Exciting. Not safe for work. http://wwitv.com/portal.htm - List of TV stations that stream over the internet - pretty good stuff. Looks like free to air and cable TV's days are numbered. 1/12/2006 banned-ka-ad.wmv - An old favourite... http://www.billgatesforpresident.net/ - If i was a yank, i'd vote for him... apologies to my linux webserver... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owK5tHjL0aE - Bit crap, but has it's moments... what was that about ball tampering? :) ymca.jpg - Offensive (even to me) and wrong on so many levels. I'm gonna have to do me some serious repenting for finding it funny... 30/11/2006 http://www.bbspot.com/News/2006/11/home-theater-regulations.html - "MPAA Lobbying for Home Theatre Regulations" (and before you ask, i know...) 29/11/2006 http://www.theage.com.au/news... - Unfortunate name - "Cisco's Indian business development manager Shrikant Shitole..." hot_tub_mishap.wmv - How to check for vampires...(update 3:07pm for those who are confused: ok, i'm colour blind and it didn't help that i didn't listen to what was said... now you know...) hump-in-the-road1.jpg - :) again icebergforsale-24728eb.pdf - Could be a good investment - break it up, bottle it, sell the bottles on eBay! tattoo.jpg - :) shatabdi.wmv - Close call niagara.wmv - Can't get much more romantic than this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLn45-7Pn2Y - I'm sure they won't forget the spit either - great stuff :) 28/11/2006 chinese-steve-irwin.wmv - Must have spotted the imitation... redneck-boat.jpg - Very inventive... 27/11/2006 supermodels.wmv - Super supermodels http://franksemails.com/pics/nice-pool - Cool pool 24/11/2006 wrong-gift-again.wmv - How ungrateful! 23/11/2006 http://www.break.com/index/urban_shoplifting.html - Would be quite the distraction to security guards if this ever took off... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UT02--Ijdc - Foul mouthed muppets - use headphones. Great stuff :) chopper-hardenthe-f-up.wmv - You tell 'em Chopper... Use headphones at work! cheerleading-bloobers.wmv - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5P6MLiKEJI&eurl= - Quite the talent :) 22/11/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut1kGmOhzWQ - Awesome - must be one hell of a rush. http://www.testcatchcricket.com/game/nnnIVWCe/ - Not bad... 21/11/2006 http://www.drownedinsound.com/articles/1317771 - Easiest way to frack up your business... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4PthyDuFbk&eurl= - Why welfare is such a good thing... david-copperfields-cat.wmv - Quick! Put a lid on it! http://franksemails.com/pics/xmas-ideas - Some lovely gift ideas... godmobile.wmv - Walking on water shopping_israel.wmv - trialbiker_phil.wmv - Faceplant bait - crazy. 20/11/2006 http://www.remotelyinteresting.com/paintball%20minigun%20page.html - Paintball guns at close range hurt (speaking from experience). I wonder what it feels like to be at the other end of this? http://www.splange.freeserve.co.uk/memes/nettles.txt - Anyone willing to give this a go? If so, tell me about it and i'll post your story :) http://franksemails.com/pics/flat-screen-tv - Yet another poor man's plasma... http://franksemails.com/pics/beer - Drink that from the tap! - not quite safe for work fully_submerged_jeep.wmv - Fully submerged jeep - i'd like to see that without the snorkel ;) kmart.pdf - Oldie, but arranged differently... I do the July 2 thing all the time :) penistax.wmv - Penis Tax - safe for work, but use headphones. 17/11/2006 piknik.wmv - Never really got into the scat fetish... 16/11/2006 indian_teacher_explaining_the_f_word.mp3 - Oh, maybe i'll put this up too.... you've heard the 'F' word skit i posted on the 31st Oct (and probably years ago too since it's an oldie), now hear the indian version... activity-book.pdf - Freakin' flat out today, so i'll post this one thing - a nice activity book to keep yourself amused with. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/china/cv-pics.htm - 2 people so far have informed me that the aircraft carrier in the lake thing i posted yesterday is a replica in a Chinese theme park. I liked my story better... 15/11/2006 http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&om=0&z=... - The Democrat's new strategy on the war on terror :) esteril.wmv - No kids for you buddy! chopper-mobile.wmv - Mmmm... Chopper babes... use headphones at work (language) http://catsinurstuffdoingthings.ytmnd.com/ - Stupid. YTMND stands for you're the man now DOG - not cat! http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2077525.html - Bah, what's the point? Go the brazilian i say :) speedbandits.wmv - Only problem is, governments can't rip you off with speeding fines... NOT safe for work. http://www.break.com/index/almost_caught_cheating.html - Who in their right mind would have a "Diff'rent Strokes" ring tone on their mobile?! Dammnit, can't believe i actually remember the words to it... 14/11/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/jewellery - Where diamonds come from... ----------You might have noticed an outage last night - seems that a gremlin got into my webserver and wreaked havoc on the Apache web service. Restarted the service and we're back on track. Thanks to Alan for the heads-up. 13/11/2006 keep-your-eyes-onthe-road.pps - Mind the pot hole... http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-comics3 - moneymakesusgoaround.pps - If only people were visiting the sponsors, i'd be able to buy that plane... boo hoo for me :( coke_mentos.wmv - Another one of those Coke + Mentos experiments jbsklip.wmv - Nice ad :) NOT safe for work http://youtube.com/watch?v=XGwH_ivrNUw - Jeremy Clarkson using cars as clays... crazy bugger... http://franksemails.com/pics/dear-god - :) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/6132140.stm - Almost made it in the Darwin awards... 10/11/2006 theassum.mp3 - The assumption song http://franksemails.com/pics/odd-squad - Awww... http://franksemails.com/pics/father-joseph - :) http://franksemails.com/pics/odd-squad - Odd Squad prep_h_bullets.jpg - Sent to me by a senior citizen... me-matiasan.wmv - Sorry, if you don't speak Greek, don't bother... i thought it was a pisser anyway :) care required... golf-ball.wmv - :) electricbill.gif - Union workers hard at it... http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/11/07/pot.burgers.ap/index.html - "Suit: Burger King served pot burgers to cops" http://youtube.com/watch?v=ICoDFooBXpU - Nintendo, take note... Maybe they can team up with Rockstar North (developers of GTA) :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzqumbhfxRo - Can't play drums or piano? Nothing a bit of video editing can't fix... great stuff... http://hit40uk.somethinelse.com/birthdaycalendar.html - Ever lose sleep wondering what the UK No.1 song was on your birthday? Wonder no longer! http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2006/11/09/1162661806201.html - What a freakin' moron - because of his stupidity, the croc has to be removed. Sometimes i think acts of stupidity should be a crime involving heavy fines and jail time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?search=&mode=related&v=LbQHw3_Prs0 - Midget kickboxing - mind the idiot commentator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZvm5H4F-aA - Extreme train surfing... 9/11/2006 el_comico.wmv - Crazy bugger... fuzzy-zoellerholein1.wmv - Hole in one gym.wmv - Noice! - not safe for work 8/11/2006 cordless-drill.wmv - Should use the drill as the car's motor instead... telenor.wmv - Just as well he wasn't in a pub... http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006510113,00.html - Poor sheep... well, at least they hide its identity... 7/11/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/more-animal-abuse - Call the RSPCA... best-airline-commercial-ever.wmv - Awwww.... Oldie, but a goodie... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72gRpjbskYc - I tend to do this on Black Sambuca... http://franksemails.com/pics/awesome-yank-tank - Nice truck ducttape.jpg - Considerate bloke... luzer.jpg - :( great-parking.jpg - Nice cars process.jpg - How it's all done... 6/11/2006 hitler_gets_car_jacked.wmv - Hitler's dillema... old-lady-vs-mercedes-jerk.wmv - pwned! - Oldie, but a goodie... dominoneu.wmv - Human dominos when-not-to-clean-your-glasses.wmv - If it were me, i'd do it without the glasses... oldie, but a goodie. kiwi.jpg - Something that those who live in the Australian state of New Zealand would appreciate... 5/11/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmroaYVD_so - Bunny letter opener http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKP1iMWqPFo - And another Letterman clip - blowing up a giant pumpkin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yANIBsKk2aE - Borat on Letterman http://www.metacafe.com/watch/280819/crocodile_hunters_2nd_most_dangerous_encounter/ - Steve Irwin, RIP. http://www.collegehumor.com/game:1704245 - I'm sure i've seen this before - you gotta complete 50 games with 4 seconds each http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfq2P7vkfa8 - Scooby Doo! http://www.jimmeruk.com/petfood.html - mmmm... even more delicious... http://foodtube.livejournal.com/890.html - mmmm... this guy eats some delicious stuff! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whwsBVVZJBY - 2200hp car - nice! :) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1330188683841183379 - crazy woman attacks news dude... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vNk4K3YaIc - Christopher Walken reads 3 little pigs http://franksemails.com/pics/cool-adverts - Cool ads what-your-car-says-about-you.pdf - Well, if my car was a company car it'd be a pretty damn quick one! bikikni.jpg - not quite safe for work http://franksemails.com/pics/masters-of-transport-and-logistics - Masters of transport and logistics http://franksemails.com/pics/road-of-death - Road of death - Bolivia tequila.wmv - Tequila pumpkin-puke.jpg - Seems to be doing the rounds agian... play-station.wmv - Noice - old classic, care required at work with this one. love_boat.wmv - Misc stupidity grandpas-trout.jpg - Nice grandpa eyetest.wmv - Nice granny bishops-finger.jpg - hmm... bird-christmas.wmv - Christmas bird - pisser :) 20061021_caprilaunch.wmv - Nice car... http://franksemails.com/pics/turkish-airlines - Turkish Airlines http://franksemails.com/pics/paper-art - Paper art http://franksemails.com/pics/roast-chook - Roast chicken breast recipe - yum http://vili.us/hypno.html - How to hypnitise a man... CAREFUL when opening this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul7EDYXmDNE&eurl - Poor Neil... ----------Ok, i've got a million things that i've neglected to put up 'cause i've been too busy (work and xbox), so i'm doing a Sunday night special, with lots of oldies but goodies. Just call me "franksmillionfreakinemails.com"! :) 3/11/2006 peeping-tom.wmv - Peeping tom... Use headphones and listen to this idiot... nissan_pathfinder_commercial.wmv - Noice - not the safest clip for work... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=411993&in_page_id=1770&in_a_source - Haven't played skirmish in years, but the next time i do, it'll be in one of these... http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/411749/876796 - Owww, here's a contender for the Darwin awards... http://fuckcumpoet.livejournal.com/ - Some very touching poetry... http://zappinternet.com/index.php?video=qujCzaYluQ - mmmm... slip the tongue in.... 2/11/2006 redneck-birth-control.jpg - NOT safe for work... ----------Yeah, i know i've been a bit slow with the postings... been busy... playing splinter cell double agent on the xbox 'till 4am... and then there's that work thing that i do at work. 1/11/2006 talkingdogs2.wmv - "Woof woof" isn't good enough for these dogs... I answer my landline just like the dalmatian - annoys the crap out of those telemarketers :) 31/10/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/another-load-of-pics - Misc pics... englishf.wmv - The 'f' word - never realised that 'centence' was proper English... 30/10/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/drunkfreind - "So chumpy ye can carve it!" (The quotation's from a dog commercial in case you're wondering) http://franksemails.com/pics/rx8 - For all you Mazda rotisserie fans... dozhivi_do_otpuska_camera1.wmv - Yet another staged "going postal" office worker... not bad, i like the use of the photocopier... grandma.jpg - Nice granny :) 27/10/2006 http://www.123mycodes.com/myspaceprank/boobflash.swf - Noice... family-guy-vomiting.wmv - My favourite show... http://franksemails.com/pics/man-hunt - They found him... women-know-your-limits.wmv - Useful information for the ladies... 26/10/2006 http://www.hardcorepawn.com/ - More games... the zombie 4 game isn't too bad... http://theroomz.freehost.pl/ - Another one of those "escape from the room" type games that'll drive you nuts... i'm up to room 4... http://franksemails.com/pics/last-day-at-work - Last day at work... halloween-moon.jpg - Wow... there must be something special about halloween - the moon somehow looks different. girls-favourite-tree.jpg - Look at the smile on her face - like she just walked out of a bukkake session or something... invisiblebike.jpg - Hopefully heading for the "Invisible tree"... 25/10/2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/6077464.stm - oh man, this deserves to be posted twice - "If anyone sees this man travelling on the railway network they should not approach him, but call the police or alert train staff immediately." - don't approach him! He has shit and he ain't afraid to use it bAAahuaHAUHUAHua! :) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/6077464.stm - BAAAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUA! :) And i thought the trains smelt bad 'cause poms don't wash! (many apologies to my beloved UK audience, i couldn't help myslef - and no, i've never been to the UK so i really can't talk...) 24/10/2006 dont-leave-your-dirty-holden-at-bathurst.jpg - :) http://www.eyegas.com/xmas05/ - Mindless amusement - not bad. ouch-bike.wmv - Simple rule - wear a helmet. 23/10/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkoXequrTOQ - Oh yeah, and this one... ripper... should get meself this Rollercoaster tycoon game :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQrC_C6SexI&eurl= - If you don't bother with any of the zillion clips i've posted today, at least check this one out. Perhaps i'm a sick puppy, but i couldn't help but piss myself at this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y7sYeDCmck - BAAHAHAHAHAH!!!! pwned! http://www.artgoddess.com/purses.htm - Hmm... i wonder what you'd put in these... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5490020651450496505 - Why do people say stupid stuff like "2am in the morning"?? as opposed to what!? 2am in the afternoon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPhBJjRzZA - Album cover wars - only hard drugs can dream up an idea like this... http://wesleylscott.tripod.com/emailhumor/ph41.html# - Check if you're eye-sight is ok... nissan.mov - Cool ad... what-sorry-looks-like.jpg - You crapped on my couch again!? Bad Fido! http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,20590041-5006002,00.html - Not that i'm a fan of Peter Andre, but at least he's got a good voice... Jordan on the other hand... not normal man, just not normal. 20/10/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/play-with-your-food - mmmm.... i'd like to see chocolate ice cream in the shape of a dog turd... http://franksemails.com/pics/bb-builders - Well, at least it makes for good viral advertising with a name like that... macgyver.jpg - I can get these in bulk if anyone needs any... frank.jpg - Yes, i'm unique... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En1C31NsdSs&mode=related&search= - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PYTGvbPPEk&mode=related&search= - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om7SkkN2T7c&mode=related&search= - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRhM-fF1xFU&mode=related&search= - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A1l6eaHpAY&mode=related&search= - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6B7X8ZD9VY&mode=related&search= - Borat deleted scenes http://www.cousincouples.com/ - Kissing cousins - this is the site for you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpBm4KoWsrY&eurl= - Human sonar - amazing stuff. 19/10/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hibyAJOSW8U - The alternative to makeup and photoshop? Eating disorders... 18/10/2006 adhd-cure.wmv - I've always wondered why ADHD became so common around the same time that parents were no longer allowed to hit their kids... here's some great advice on discipline that all parents should read. italian-ice-cream-ad.wmv - Ice Cream - Noice http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-comics2 - misc comics... http://franksemails.com/pics/safety - Safety - misc pics you've probably seen before... http://franksemails.com/pics/saudi-honda - Saudi Honda 17/10/2006 http://moonagewebdream.blogs.com/moonage_webdream/humor/Bob_Tom.m3u - "Telemarketer nightmare" - Very funny stuff :) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3890347985451465716 - Hmmm... i smell a lawsuit coming on :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxejfhHuyWI - Magical Unicorn Mayo... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1flVlL4Mf8k - Mine sweeping at sea... 16/10/2006 fart.wmv - It's always funny when people light their farts... turismo2.pps - Nature being naughty... a few in there i haven't seen before... violence.wmv - Tough guys... firehose.wmv - Now this looks like fun! If only there were no water restrictions... fart-mask.wmv - mmmm, i want me some fart-mask-with-some-fat-dude action... a bit rude for work... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5430343841227974645 - The internet is for porn just like C is for cookie... smartest-kid-in-class.wmv - Very good :) 13/10/2006 and_which_group_do_you_belong.jpg - he hates me too... :( heinz-microwave.wmv - Heinz ad... good stuff :) national-geographic-photos2006.pps - some pretty pictures... bankrobbery.wmv - Mmmm.... money and meat - my 2 favourite things. 12/10/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKRkP43R8pY - I've always wondered if this were possible. Thank God for scientific research! happy-halloween.jpg - Noice... CAREFUL opening this at work... http://franksemails.com/pics/elevator - Freaky elevator 11/10/2006 http://www.b3ta.com/board/6411758 - BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (Explanation for those living under a 'net rock) yellowpages.pps - This seems to be doing the rounds again. Oldie, but a goodie... land-cruiser-pancake.wmv - Speed humps for mine sites... water_bill.wmv - Someone should throw the cat in and flush so it can get the close look it wants. 10/10/2006 http://www.pigeonsofdoom.com/ - Now this, on the other hand, is a quality site. http://www.dailygut.com/?i=1187 - No, i was wrong... that things in rubbers site didn't top it - this does. If i had to read this sick shit, then so should you. yorkshire-airlines.wmv - Gotta love Hale & Pace... vibro_cadeau.wmv - Bukkake for all!!! Oldie, but a goodie... badparents.wmv - Good parents satnav.wmv - Racist technology... http://thingsinrubbers.com/ - WTFing-F is this Fing S---?! Bloody hell i've sent out some crap lately, but i think this one tops it... nah... it's not bad... 9/10/2006 http://positivesharing.com/2006/10/10-seeeeeriously-cool-workplaces - None of which, of course, are as good as my ex-totally awesome workdesk http://youtube.com/watch?v=86ltDTU1R8A - I think they forgot Alien... not bad. http://bumperdumper.com/bumper2.htm - I'd like to see this in use doing 100km/h on the freeway... 6/10/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/backtattoo - I'm sure this guy will never wanna end up in prison... CAREFUL! insurance-ad.wmv - Not bad... 5/10/2006 http://www.bmezine.com/news/people/A20210/plp56/ - The goatse interview. Needless to say, CAREFUL when opening this!!! http://franksemails.com/pics/car-wars - Car Wars http://www.beersex.net/pictures - Yet another rate my pic site... kinda different... http://franksemails.com/pics/unsafe-for-work - Not technically safe for work, but... ugly_cat.jpg - Rats breeding tree-bike.jpg - I'm gonna buy one of those trees and grow me a bike... happyslappergetstwatedsubzerostyle.wmv - Suck shit dumbass! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4462254424&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT - Too bad it's not in Melbourne, otherwise i would have bought it... 4/10/2006 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/10/03/bulgarian_airbags/ - Bulgarian airbags :) colour-in-hoff.jpg - It's been a while since i've posted anything hoff related (yes, i'm over it...). Here's a colouring in activity for the kids. http://franksemails.com/pics/family-planning - The best advice anyone could ever give... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/5371500.stm - aborted reindeer foetus - delicious! stripped.wmv - Noice! - care required when opening. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai61hBsJcLo - 4 year old drummer - quite the talent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4l771r2a-4 - Mildly amusing... 3/10/2006 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/story/456104p-383834c.html - Definitely wanna see this - just for the dirty sanchez... http://www.pistolwimp.com/media/51208/ - Maybe they can aim a few at Kim Jong... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY_GU5WODzA - Burnouts on a pushbike http://youtube.com/watch?v=IzO1mCAVyMw - I'm sure i've seen this before - but not with the sims characters... not bad :) 2/10/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73pVFc0J3qw - "Anaconda regurgitates a hippo"... bizzare... http://www.mms.com/us/dark/index.jsp - Something to write off the rest of the afternoon at work... 29/09/2006 yellowpages.pps - Another old classic... wedding_bliss1.wmv - Noice japp.wmv - An old classic... 1time.wmv - :) 28/09/2006 liger.wmv - Big cat http://franksemails.com/pics/first-kiss - Mmmm.... bacon! http://www.atomfilms.com/contentPlay/video.jsp?id=consent&preplay=1 - This is what those PC idiots around the world wish to achieve... http://www.alllooksame.com/ - I'm useless, i got 7... http://franksemails.com/pics/signs - Signs... more oldies, but goodies... http://franksemails.com/pics/more-idiots - Genius... oldies, but goodies... mum-dad-flick.jpg - Instead of "Hi Mum!"/"Hi Dad!", it'd be "Hi Timmy!" newjob.pdf - Surely this is someone's dream job... http://www.nudisttrampolining.com/ - fairly safe for work but... wtf?! 27/09/2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/southern_counties/5382878.stm - Start the car.... good dog! micswallow.wmv - If the can swallow that, then imagine... :) hi.wmv - Variations on the word "Mum" boys-learning-to-be-men.wmv - :) farkl_kareler.pps - even more interesting... railroutes.pps - interesting... resource-plan.xls - Good 'ol excel game #4 process-building-blocks.xls - Good 'ol excel game #3 gross-profit.xls - Good 'ol excel game #2 driving-forecast.xls - Good 'ol excel game #1 http://timecube.com/ - Someone needs to stop this guy's welfare payments... 26/09/2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lincolnshire/5379930.stm - Nice choice of car... hmm, i think this one will turn out to be queer... cheerleading.wmv - Oops... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP1ThzJLG04 - Ice cream van stunt - Absolute ripper :) 25/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/nice-camira - Nice Camira... (For non-Aussies - CentreLink is the Australia's welfare department and the Camira is arguably Holden's shittest car ever...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx-NLPH8JeM - From the same guy who sent me the hallucinogenic clip - "What umpalumpas do on their days off" :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYHRX05cJeI - Dirty Elmo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_WyObcPV_0 - From the bloke who sent me this: "For anyone who hasnt taken naughty hallucinogens this is the most realistic video Ive seen as to what it looks like." - personally, i wouldn't know. Interesting. http://www.b3ta.com/links/White_Stripes_vs_Simpsons - :) http://franksemails.com/pics/fucking-town - Oldie, but a goodie... two_headed_cat.wmv - I thought normal cats were ugly... 22/09/2006 in_memory_of_my_fallen_comrade.jpg - Now this is dedication... sony-mower.wmv - :) 21/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/rejected-tourist-posters - Rejected Tourist Posters pool.wmv - In French, but still cool... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSJ8gUsaJuo - I'm in two minds as to whether i should post this up or not... hmm... what do you think? (there's a warning about the clip on youtube, but it's work safe) 20/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/post-it - "FW: Post-it notes - For those little things you might forget." http://break.com/index/skydiving_near_miss.html - Near miss... 19/09/2006 danger-road.pps - Whoa! I'd love to take my Nissan around this! :) persian-cats.gif - Here's one i prepared earlier... whatthebeerisfor.jpg - :) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300006962914 - My my... someone's selling the left overs of what i ate last friday... 18/09/2006 golf.xls - This'll waste the rest of the afternoon... http://franksemails.com/pics/im-fat - Thanks for the warning... stay-off-the-pole.wmv - Look at me i'm so hot!!! pwn3d!!! http://www.keikos-homepage.jp/funtime.htm - Whoa! love you long time!!! http://www.bagslap.com/ - Useful to annoy your mates with... NOT safe for work... 15/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/dunnies - Interesting dunnies mermaid.jpg - What i ate for dinner last night... i've got left overs if anyone wants any... lindsay_lohan_crotch_flash.jpg - Almost NSFW... http://franksemails.com/pics/flower-dogs - Flower dogs - awww 14/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/old-pc - What to do with that old PC... http://franksemails.com/pics/air-shots - Stunt planes - pretty cool mt-everest.jpg - Nice view from the top... drinkresponsibility.jpg - Blimey, you could probably get enough money for another slab of VB if you took all those cans to a recycling centre... http://media2.ugoto.com/pictures/beesting-bbb.jpg - mmmm... now there's a set of dick-lips if i ever did see one... http://www.flashbeer.com.au - The latest Carlton Draught ad... bit silly... 13/09/2006 this-is-a-miracle.wmv - This guy should buy a lottery ticket best_of.wmv - Best of... Lotta old stuff here... http://splu.net/chadvader.htm - More of that Chad Vadar nonsense... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-6st_HuPoY&mode=related&search= - Someone must have taught the horse that 'peekaboo' means unload... http://www.thegtb.co.uk/mrhappy.htm - Mr Happy not so happy... 12/09/2006 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/11/phthalate_warning/ - 'Crystal Jelly Double Dong' off the menu :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muRXZeKEpRE&NR - I guess it's youtube day today... ahh well, at least it'll save me a bit of bandwidth :) Super mario in real life - not bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GWsVHnX54o&NR - Finally, a dork's response to Noah... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i19UBAZXsiU&NR - A French response to "Dispatcher"... pisser :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qopyzZyjiXI&NR - A camp response to "Dispatcher"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktz3W2HUASE&NR - and in response to Noah... what a tool... funny tool though, would be funny to see him do the same and see how much bigger he gets over the next 6 years... swearing in this one, so use headphones at work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B26asyGKDo - Not bad - kinda like that chick who always has the same stupid expression on her face for every photo taken of her... interesting. 11/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/miserable - uh... whymechanicsliketodealwithmostwomen2.asf - Oldie, but a goodie... busted.wmv - Busted big time... bit of CARE required when opening this... at least use headphones... http://www.blipfoto.com/view.php?id=1719 - New Steve Irwin doll... not nice :) 8/09/2006 http://www.theage.com.au/news/general/peter-brock-killed/2006/09/08/1157222310944.html - Blimey - first Irwin, now Brock (may he rest in peace). They say these things happen in threes, so who's next to die in an ironic fashion? (hmmm... Jamie Oliver's down here at the moment, he'd better stay away from his kitchen knives for a bit i reckon...). I'm sure it's not gonna take long for the jokes to appear for this one. http://www.destructoid.com/terri-irvins-revenge - Terri Irvin's revenge - fun for 5 mins (love the first comment) wembley_20update_20010806.pdf - Cool stadium too_drunk_in_the_bathroom.wmv - More importantly, why is there a camera in the toilet!? 7/09/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/hangover-cure - Hangover cure - more like just a regular lunch meal :) http://franksemails.com/pics/assault-and-battery - Hmm... they should've used the iodised variety... peoplei_vemetonmyholyday.pps - peoplei_vemewhat? hmm... dunno what that file name is all about... misc pics - some require CARE when opening, so don't open at work (it's actually "people i've met on holyday" - the first slide makes it clear... now i'm babbling... :) snakes-on-a-plane.wmv - Snakes on a plane auditions http://franksemails.com/pics/snakes-on-a-plane - ARGHHH!!! crikey.gif - ok, last one... i'm sure you'll find heaps of these on b3ta.com anyway... 6/09/2006 crazy-chick.wmv - Member of the tourette institute simon_says_dog.wmv - Cats suck 'cause dogs are awesome :) kenny-rogers.wmv - Kenny Rogers does Jackass - they forgot to knock his head clean off... ahh well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZS10L8OejA - Farting preacher - kinda adds a bit of colour to bible bashing... guy_attacks_public.wmv - Moron http://www.sickipedia.org/index.php?title=Steve_Irwin - Here we go with the Steve Irwin jokes... what's funnier is that there's a site called sikipedia :) 5/09/2006 stormsurfing.wmv - Storm surfing http://franksemails.com/pics/steveirwin - Poor Steve. He was a great asset to this country. Here's a bunch of pics that have been emailed to me so far... I'm sure most of 'em came from places like b3ta.com... telemarketer.wmv - I wanna work in telemarketing! Oldie, but a goodie... satanscat.wmv - Now where's that cattle prod... lemonade-stand.wmv - Lemonade stand - stupid kids http://franksemails.com/pics/biosvan - Funny Queenslanders... http://franksemails.com/pics/veryfreshgreens - Fresh is best... http://franksemails.com/pics/stingray - I knew it wouldn't take long... less than a day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpZ8HY0WukU - Awwwww..... so cute it almost made me sick 4/09/2006 ----------Suppose many of you have already heard about Steve Irwin's passing today (may he rest in peace). I wonder how long it'll take before the internet jokes start coming through. If you get any, mail 'em to me. police-complaint.pdf - "Land rights for gay whales" bahahaha :) http://franksemails.com/pics/stuck-car - Stuck car - oops... http://franksemails.com/pics/morepricelessphotos - More priceless photos favorite_album_covers.pdf - Another oldie - great album covers mum-of-the-year.wmv - Awesome mum scarface_kwik.wmv - Short version of scarface - oldie, but a goodie (use headphones at work) http://sprinklebrigade.com/gallery-main.html - I looove sprinkles! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJO79p-XMZ8 - She should be thanking the dog - all those kilojoules... (warning - puke involved) 1/09/2006 homesweethome.wmv - Well, i suppose there is one use for it... shit_cock.jpg - CAREFUL opening this at work... in fact, it's probably not a good idea to open it at all... kubus.wmv - I couldn't even do it peeling the stickers off blindfolded... amazing. 31/08/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/whatdoesablondedoafteraseriouscarcrash - What blondes do after a serious crash lol!!1 ----------I'm up in the Gold Coast for a short getaway where the weather's shittier than it is in Melbourne... I've got my laptop and my 3G card, but i'd still rather spend time out in the rain than in a hotel room updating my site, so updates are gonna be a little slow until next week... 30/08/2006 http://easymac.org/crumbox/chrismullins/unicornimation.mov - Uniporn - NOT safe for work... not safe for any place, really - just plain bizzare. butt-crack-talent.wmv - Strong butt cheeks make for good anaaaahahahha... little CARE required at work i suppose... beach-balls.jpg - Oops! http://franksemails.com/pics/not-fat-but-ugly - Eat a freakin' steak already! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOy_PhhPNxM - Not bad - use headphones at work (language) http://kineticnorth.com/ - Excellent site (after all, the guy's name is Frank - how can you go wrong?). Check out "Marry, shag or kill", "Organ exchange" and the tourette simulator... and the rest whilst you're at it... 29/08/2006 http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14482354/?GT1=8404 - "Chinese police end funeral striptease acts" - bummer... man-of-the-year-candidate.jpg - He's got my vote... exercise-fart.wmv - I bet she now regrets taking it up the rear last night... bianca-ryan.wmv - Bianca Ryan - This girl is something else. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrYlNNy929Y - Yoga vs Kung fu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbBt4BoRlc8 - Remote control cars - life size http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5AXUN-XGTc - Bless you! 28/08/2006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offensive_terms_per_nationality - Useful if you're travelling... stoopid-cat.jpg - Stinky pussy getting a wash 18+.pps - 18+ only http://franksemails.com/pics/sneaky-marines - Cheeky buggers... http://franksemails.com/pics/reason-for-being-single - Robot man has a camel toe! http://franksemails.com/pics/idiots - Misc idiot pics http://franksemails.com/pics/awesome-car - No doubt a contest winner... Archived stuff: Click the dates below to access older stuff... 23/2/06 - 25/8/06 6/6/06 - 23/2/06 22/2/06 - epoch. You can send stuff to me here: If i like it and it's not too old or it's an "oldie, but a goodie", i'll put it up. And no, I don't normally give credit. Whilst you're at it, rate me on humorLinks.com - search for franksemails.com and gimmie a 10! Links to sites that i regularly visit:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |