25/08/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ9sJVJMiYM&NR - A new pope... not bad :) http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2006/08/18/1155407999231.html - Airport prank news article if you're interested... great-wall-china.pps - Nice pics fart-study.pps - Turn the sound up and use speakers at work airport_oz_prank.wmv - Airport prank - I wonder if there is anyone named Al Kyder... 24/08/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Fg6KFcOsU&embed=1 - Man has finally discovered a use for a cat. sheep-shoot.pps - I'm a "Bobbing bobcat" - oldie, but a goodie... dog-humps-man.wmv - Dog humps moron - resonably safe for work - just use headphones. 23/08/2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/norfolk/5275506.stm - I'm sure i'd wanna stripper or two if i ever reach that age... border-security.wmv - U.S. Border Security - great stuff :) http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=franksemails&include... - "AIMLESS FRANK" - yep, that's me :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c_Ca506xPE - Very strange - perhaps they're related :) http://franksemails.com/pics/budget-cuts - Where i'd like to work... http://franksemails.com/pics/funny-signs - Funny signs... l o freakin l... http://franksemails.com/pics/when-not-to-have-your-photo-taken - Best times to have your photo taken... oldies, but goodies... giant-woodpecker.jpg - Big tree's new purpose in life bottle-opener.jpg - Ronaldinho's new purpose in life holdinitdown.wmv - All i asked was "what happened to your teeth?"... idiot... http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=1222452006 - What a gift - i wouldn't chop it off, i'd become the next greated pr0n star! 22/08/2006 onbicycle.wmv - Funny, but turn the sound off (stupid funniest home video crap) http://www.cracked.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=880 - Drug fueled celeb TV appearences http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/TV/08/21/sweden.porn.ap/index.html - Never mind the mistake, what about the after-midnight TV!? I'm moving to the Czech Republic... 21/08/2006 http://cgi.ebay.com/Barbie-Size-Miniature-Per... - "Barbie Personal Massager" - Batteries Included!!! http://franksemails.com/pics/bizzare-pics - Various bizzare pics... flatten45.wmv - Best way to clear traffic car-insurance.wmv - Try explaining this to an insurance company... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvKlW2MIO7w - ugh.... silly monkey... some CARE required when opening... http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-6445158765233495122 - Insane German instructional video - gets interesting after about 5 minutes http://dweebonaughts.com/blog/ultimateorgy.swf - This is insane - cartoon graphics but definitely NOT safe for work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?search=&mode=related&v=7mv-lep67uI - Uh.... No nudity or anything but some CARE required when opening at work... Gotta love those Japanese... 18/08/2006 http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1949977.html?menu= - "Mountain resembles breasts" - read the text - "The mountain is used as a place of worship by the community." :) well-trained-pig.wmv - Should've trained my dog to do this... give-up-rally-driving.wmv - This dude's got rally driving down to a fine art... 17/08/2006 river-crossing.pps - Cool brain teaser... eva.wmv - Go Eva! http://extra.waag.org/users/aske/moviez/sicaf_sand.wmv - Bit long, but interesting - sand art on a projector... 16/08/2006 fiat-uno-turbo-caught-by-a-speed-camera.jpg - (using my best Dr. Smith voice) - Ohhh the irony! hmmm... new-checkin-procedures.jpg - :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ5Ja6rj9jU - GTA - Benny Hill Tribute - great stuff :) ba-cancels-flights.jpg - BA cancels flights... best-present-ever.wmv - HAAAAHAHAHAHA pWWWWWn3d!!!! Long clip but worth the watch... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEXxahjwvOE - Teh Intarveb iz teh nasti palace... at least franksemails.com makes it betterer... http://www.dailymotion.com/flash/flvplayer.swf?rev=1155350444&url=... - CARE required for this one when opening - party trick of the century this one :) 15/08/2006 http://mjgradziel.com/burger/giant_burger.html - If you eat it all, you get it for free... scampi_f.wmv - Dunno what to think of chips with that flavour... sperm-bank.wmv - Load of the century this one... karate-kick.wmv - Kick of the century this one... geddes-the-falcon.wmv - Save of the century this one... http://www.fantasticalmonkey.co.uk/Rolf/rolf.html - WTF!? Not very safe for work. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1890159026/202-1790452-0023869?v=glance&n=266239&v=glance - Little bit of care required... sounds like lots of fun! 14/08/2006 http://www.ironcircus.com/mummification1.php - Haven't gone past the first page... not yet anyway, maybe later - if i end up throwing up in the toilet at work, people might get suspicious... answer-the-phone.wmv - Looks fake, still funny though... its-about-the-rabbit.wmv - Not sure if i've posted this already... visuals are safe, but use headphones at work!!! 11/08/2006 government-employee.wmv - What happens to your tax dollars... surgery-japan.jpg - Yep, very suttle... http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-6742398877812379279&q=neka - Not the sort of thing i'd usually post here, but it makes you wonder that perhaps it's a good thing that the west invades and overthrows these evil creatures. When their time comes, I hope they burn in hell. ----------oh yeah, i've made it now stream video clips - hopefully they load quicker from now on instead of having to wait for the whole clip to download before you start seeing it. glock_with_drum_mag_1.wmv - Gotta be American... http://anzmoneyrun.com/ - ANZ ATM game - pretty cool :) (and no, i don't mean ATM you sick puppy). 10/08/2006 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/4776299.stm - Sounds like a productive work place... http://www4.passur.com/lax.html - Pretty cool - shows locations of airplanes around LAX... There's so many planes flying about i'd hate to live there... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD_Wn4uIPVo - I'm off to Yoga class... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWMLPCfDIeo - Learn to speak English when you're a Japanese prostitute. Fairly safe. 9/08/2006 aussie-toilet-paper-ad.wmv - We use this brand of dunny paper at work... http://franksemails.com/pics/interesting-ads - Interesting ads... grave-room.jpg - owww creepy... 8/08/2006 I_m-her-daddy.wmv - Great stuff :) vistafails.wmv - M$ don't want you to see this... security_test.wmv - Testing security at the Sydney Harbour Bridge... copperclappers.wmv - Before you ask, it's not George W... http://franksemails.com/pics/thailand - Popular tourist spots in Thailand...(thanks go to Matt and Jade who took these whilst they were up there... Lucky buggers...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK7gogyRVFA - Goatse 24.... Some CARE required. 7/08/2006 things-you-should-know.pdf - A document explaining what to do in case of a terrorist attack. Quite useful information actually. letterman-gates.wmv - Celebrating Bill Gates... badtiming.wm - Gotta love Lenny Henry... http://franksemails.com/pics/sex-anywhere - The most appropriate places to be doing it... CAREFUL when opening!!! http://www.diecastfilms.co.uk/ - Very cool - well worth the wait http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8RZ_FCIFyo - Another Darth Vadar clip - Japs can take care of him :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5blbv4WFriM - Darth Vadar being a smart ass... funny stuff :) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-614999075705129371 - Magic trick... not bad. 4/08/2006 coke_poster.jpg - Actually true - http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/poster.asp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVmfIUR1DA - Crazy German kid... posted this a few months back, but now it has translations... Even if it was just an act, this kid is still insane. flyinggonzo.pps - Flying Gonzo game... http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1937986.html?menu= - guy gets balls trapped in deckchair... http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,1835242,00.html - And now the police are after 'em... perhaps the scooter broke the speed limit in the park :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bGIaOLMNRQ - Motor scooter on the merry-go-round - the remix http://franksemails.com/pics/jessica-simpson - Jessica Simpson (photoshop perhaps?). Some CARE required. http://franksemails.com/pics/dog-vs-porcupine - Dog vs Porcupine... ouch! 3/08/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI - Kinda looks camp but not bad... employee-of-the-month.jpg - This is how I usually update this website :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlXjJRLTskE - Would have been good to see her wake up 2/08/2006 stupid_police_dog.wmv - Poor little guy, he's a lover, not a fighter! zinedinezidane_spetsheep.wmv - Zidane's latest pet... morale.pps - not bad... oldie... csi-china.wmv - :) amazing-ventriloquist.wmv - This guy is very good. 1/08/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/wrecks - Nice vehicle wrecks http://franksemails.com/pics/sexy-people - Sexy people...ugh... CAREFUL! http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=efd6e4b1b519baebab4f1514f8652f60.632761 - Birds. They'll take over the world some day. KILL THEM ALL! kmart.pdf - Not true, but July 2nd is what I do all the time :) 31/07/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7c_sKSkIGg - Musical geniuses... workinglate.wmv - "Fwd: Every pub should have one..." my_cubicle_0001.wmv - The only thing missing is the bouncy ball toutterrain.pps - Nice boat... 2006video_miss_mundo_francia.wmv - Zidane in a pagent... http://www.thecakegallerysf.com/x1ratedcakes/list.nhtml - Interesting cakes - CAREFUL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92UEpECm1kU - Dolmio ads made better... (i'm guessing they came from here) http://www.corsairmemory.com/corsair/configurator_search.html - Choose the last flag on the language options... http://www.devilducky.com/media/48992/ - Hoff is god... 28/07/2006 http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=117931 - And another scanalous Hoff news report... http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-1258236289391131588&q=rejected+cartoon - Rejected cartoons - can't imagine why. http://www.kahsoon.com/2006/06/29/japanese-massage-house-prank/ - Another reason why you should move to Japan just for the TV... http://entertainment.aol.co.uk/article.adp?id=20060727024309990001 - And another... poor Hoff. http://www.ananova.com/entertainment/story/sm_1930790.html?menu= - And another... http://www.anorak.co.uk/features.php?features_id=170246&feature=David%20Hasselhoff - Looks like everyone's sending me news reports on the hoff being drunk... here's one. http://franksemails.com/pics/lock-your-tent - Get out your vomit bag... http://www.consumerist.com/consumer/cat-lady - Insane telemarketing call. Use headphones - plenty of foul language. 27/07/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbFVBiGuQlU - Yep, that was always gonna be a good idea... next time use a race bike rather than a scooter... form-guide.jpg - I'm putting my money on horses 11 and 12 in race 3... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3ERzK_eg8g - I am teh internets. Hoff is my God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAlU8JZrhFw - I'm moving to Japan - just for the TV 26/07/2006 http://www.streetwars.net/ - This is awesome, and it's going to London. Hope someone organises one for Melbourne! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42Vs2_sC3pE - Highly gay... 25/07/2006 nice-parents.wmv - Only in Australia...??? nah, i'm sure this has been done before elsewhere... python-pet.wmv - Only in Cambodia... http://franksemails.com/pics/sex-school-japan - Only in Japan... CAREFUL!!! http://www.brillyunt.com/play.php?file_ID=000000022 - Wow - not quite as awesome as my site but comes close. What i wanna know is what this effing eff does this translate to? humping on tables and hotel rooms or something... too much effort for 12:30am... 24/07/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A0rwG39Jzk - Pisser :) http://www.hellocat78.1hwy.com/ - Hello kitty! cross_dresser.wmv - :) music_with_rollerblades.wmv - Very cleaver http://www.goatsepolo.com/ - For those who remember goatse, you can now buy the shirt! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNOumsLOOic - Best of unnecessary censorship - Absolute rip snorter!!!! 21/07/2006 mousetrap.wmv - Dickhead (CARE required) chopper-horoscope.wmv - Good 'ol Chopper :) effegeluk.wmv - Another one of those near misses with a car videos... not sure if i've seen this one before... havingabadday.wmv - :) zidane-vs-castro.gif - more zidane fun... http://www.autoblog.com/2006/06/29/wash-me-taken-to-a-new-level-the-dust-art-of-scott-wade/ - A simple "I wish my wife was as dirty as this" wasn't enough for this guy... http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1921837.html?menu=news.quirkies - Grannies knitting g-strings... bit of CARE required when opening, along with the news story, there's pics of nice asses wearing nanna's latest crochet... 20/07/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/hoff-lookalike - Hoff Look-a-like http://franksemails.com/pics/fancy-a-seat - CARE required, pics are pretty small though. http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/07/18/usb_nuclear_war_button_box/ - And one of these too i guess... http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/07/06/usb_missile_launcher/ - Someone ought to give Kim Jong Il one of these as a present to keep him amused and away from the real thing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p55YD8QhQ3o&search=shatner - And here he is talking again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVbv6r_tKnE&eurl= - Too bad his 'singing' (talking) wasn't as good as the shit he was smoking. The whole audience must have been smoking it for them to appreciate that crap... http://youtube.com/watch?v=uxkr4wS7XqY - Best fight scene of all time... 19/07/2006 pdfcopy3je.gif - Poms love this guy... common-test.xls - Doesn't have the question "Do you run a totally awesome website like franksemails.com" otherwise it would have been 0% instead of the 50% that i got... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f1-VVHQyWw - Poor Mr. T... http://media.guardian.co.uk/site/story/0,,1823110,00.html - Whack off in the name of charity http://youtube.com/watch?v=cfX5RjRoZho&search=landcruiser - bugger... 18/07/2006 pizza.mp3 - Prank calling pizza joints... gotta love them Scots. Absolute rip-snorter :) flying.wmv - I'm sure there's a few broken bones here. http://media.skoopy.com/misc/quickchange/ - If only i could get ready for work this quick... 90becky-demolition-with-intro.mp3 - Kid organising to demolish her school - not bad :) http://www.dailymotion.com/featured/video/640x480/357818 - Space Invaders with real people - pretty clever http://www.glumbert.com/media/cyber.html# - "Don't cyber in Holland" 17/07/2006 hot-dog-cookers.jpg - How to cook hot dogs on the BBQ... little bit rude... http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-17-7-06 - Misc pics #2 diverses.pps - misc pics #1 origami_1.pps - Interesting origami http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkeyface - Classy... http://www.insuranceandnews.com/ - Big collection of 80's music video clips... http://www.kamazutra.be/nuts/ - little bit of CARE required - i posted a link about Roshambo being a martial art a while back - here's a video of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL6E7R4IbCM - Another Japanese video - dominos out of every day stuff. Pretty cool. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/361825 - Yet another bizzare Japanese video - well worth the watch. Kinda catchy actually... http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/hack/jones/ - No wonder Sydney's a great place to be - its radio stations have personalities like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MNe1u_5Jh8 - "Zidane vs. Materazzi - the movie" 14/07/2006 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/07/13/zidane_headbutt_outrage/ - And here's the register's take on those Zidane pics... http://franksemails.com/pics/whatreallyhappened - Ahh Zidane Zidane... Will the comedy ever end? http://www.alittlebitrude.co.uk/ - Not bad... 13/07/2006 drunk_soccer_fan.wmv - Yuck! That's disgusting... (safe for work) redneckrollercoaster.wmv - YEEEEHAWWWW!!!!! speakenglish.wmv - Bit silly item #3 grosso_1.jpg - Bit silly item #2 zidane2a.jpg - Bit silly item #1 offside.wmv - Only one way to be sure i guess... coupe-eng.pps - The English version... voetbal-wk2006.pps - "Memorable world cup moments" The Dutch version... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SPPC6ZORY8&search=bb7%20nikki - And one more... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CaOzoGhrW4&search=bb7%20nikki - And another... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWh3-TjBQWY&search=bb7%20nikki - Another clip of Nikki... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtiwCyXEAcc&mode=related&search=bb7%20nikki - Wow, they pick people out of mental institutions for Big Brother UK... This chick is just plain awesome. 12/07/2006 http://aus.cricinfo.com/GAMES/OFFICEUMPIRE/ - Pretty cool game - if you've ever abused an umpire over a poor LBW decision, see if you're any better... pool-spritezero.wmv - funny ad :) caution.jpg - Congrats to the Italians... royal-stench.jpg - Bet it smells royal too... the-koala-and-the-little-lizard.doc - Ok, i'll pay this one :) rainbow.jpg - Ahh yes, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow :) poolprank.wmv - Bit silly... waterfuel.wmv - Now this looks interesting, just wonder how much energy it takes to create the fuel though... monkey-fright.wmv - :) http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/ - If you remember a while back (posted here on the 16th Feb 2006), a guy wanted to trade a red paper clip for a house. Apparently it worked and now it's all over the news... 11/07/2006 http://widelec.org/zidane.html - Now you too can headbut like a famous football star! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9072236535251471450&q=smart+car - Smart car with a GSX-R 1000 K5 engine - pretty cool :) towtug-boat-drawbridge.pps - Now that's a first - include a reference to snopes.com confirming that it's true. Too much text though... offlimits1.wmv - :) http://franksemails.com/pics/zidane - Dunno what everyone's whinging about, I reckon it's a great way to finish your career... http://franksemails.com/pics/good-bait - Picked the right bait to use... http://franksemails.com/pics/texas-lake - Texas gator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJgisMLEALs - Man the Hoff is awesome... oh, yeah, there's a contortionist in this clip... 10/07/2006 sharapova-camel-toe.jpg - Photoshop perhaps? men-invented-everything.wmv - Awesome Bud lite ad :) czekajacnawejscienaboisko.wmv - Yep, the filename says it all - yet another vid of a footballer pissing in the dugout... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_-JJWX398w - The lego italian job, part two - car chase is pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWRHPThAUS0 - The lego italian job, part one 7/07/2006 davidchesterfield.wmv - Awesome magician... berenfilm.wmv - Not bad, but gee, didn't see that one coming... bush-state-of-the-union-address.wmv - Pisser... 6/07/2006 http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2006/07/vast-prosperity-begat-mystery.html - " Vast Prosperity Begat 'The Mystery'" - read it or else! breastfeeding-cat.wmv - WTF!? CAREFUL! fainting-goats.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie - I doubt that goat would survive in the wild. http://franksemails.com/pics/floating-tv - Floating TV for the World Cup... http://news.aol.co.uk/article.adp?id=20060705170309990030 - Scandalhoff! overslept.wmv - oldie, but a goodie... dodgeballs.jpg - uh, don't get it... http://franksemails.com/pics/clever-ads - Clever ads 5/07/2006 http://www.youtube.com/v/Rnchuii0F1c&autoplay=yes - :) http://forum.419eater.com/john_boko.htm - I'd love to buy that Commodore 64 if it ever sells on eBay... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHC-eLeWi0U - Quite sad and depressing, but surely no one can be this stupid... http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/hara/fly.swf - Moving jigsaw puzzle - not bad. 4/07/2006 krispy-kremes-calendar.jpg - CARE required when opening - Now that they've opened up a Krispy Kreme in Melbourne - "FW: With the success of the Krispy Kreme outlet opening over the last week or so, here is the official calendar just released featuring some of Narre Warren's finest ladies..." sweden-vs-gb.pps - Nightclubs, Sweden vs GB - Updated... ice-cream.jpg - I don't think the kid's gonna get any... simpsons-wedding.jpg - Real life Simpsons wedding... How romantic... ontheirwayhome.jpg - "FW: NewsFlash: England team leave World Cup early.....". Sorry to all the English supporters that sympathised with me when Australia lost to Italy, but they made me put this up... dubbosho.jpg - FAQ if you ever get pulled over by a cop in Dubbo. http://www.planetperplex.com/en/img.php?id=35 - Interesting... 3/07/2006 soccermadness.wmv - Surely this isn't real! If it is, then them's some skillful fingers! http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/386310/325571 - Since the QLD cops aren't gonna get involved (and why would they?) I guess it doesn't matter if i host it or not any more, but anyway, here's a link to the torrent site that the video originally came from. Thanks Nick! http://www.viddy.id.au/stuff/bb6.au.day069.live.feed.incident-korntunes-cut.asx - And here's the infamous incident that saw John and Ash booted from the BB house. Personally, i don't think Camilla minded it one bit, but you can judge for yourself. I was sent this video, but decided i'm too chicken shit to host it, so i managed to find someone else who had it hosted already :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/31114271@N00/158300045/ - I'm sure some poms would appreciate this... http://franksemails.com/pics/when-to-quit-drinking - When to quit drinking... some that i haven't seen before... whatwouldyoudo.jpg - Good reason to not have kids. london-underground.mp3 - I've got no idea what's happening with the tube lately, but this is a pisser nonetheless :) how-to-undress-in-less-than-10-seconds.wmv - Fair effort... frontpage_smh.jpg - bit of CARE required (swearing in big bold text) birds-and-windex.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie... http://www.13tongimp.com/index.php/archive/david-hasselhoff-jump-in-my-car/ - Good 'ol hoff... I think he did this when he was on tour down under... http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/conspiracies/61526 - Gotta love the last comment... 30/06/2006 where_sthestrimmer1.jpg - CAREFUL when opening this one. ugh... portugal-vs-netherlands-ref.jpg - And another ref to be honoured over the internet :) party.pps - better clean the mess up before the folks get home... tmobile.jpg - :) grahampoll-englands-finest.jpg - :) http://franksemails.com/pics/interesting-comparisons - Earth compared... No wonder the aliens can't find us... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5r5f8ekDxQ - Someone forgot to put on the cap... 29/06/2006 http://www.yachtsee.com/cruzincooler.htm - Great stuff - I can see me driving to work on this :) http://franksemails.com/pics/italian-diver - Dive! Dive! Dive! daddy-kewell.mp3 - Harry who? - great song :) mk48torpedoshot.pps - For all you Navy freaks... f22.pps - For all you Air force freaks... http://www.11football.com/coupedumonde2006/index2.php - It's in French but still understandable - not a bad site, has vids of all the goals scored. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qOpm1w9wHk - Perhaps if Nintendo hired this kid the N64 wouldn't have been such a flop... 28/06/2006 casual-fridays.wmv - I can see this taking off - no one would be sick on a Friday, that's for sure. Some CARE required when opening. babies-and-fathers.wmv - Too bad none of them puked... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRO626ImQek - No wonder the Italians won... ripped.jpg - We sure were... aust-vs-italy.gif - A quick recap on the Australia vs Italy match. It's funny 'cause it's true :) Awesome animation graphics too - whoever did it should be an animator wifesitters.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie... sex-family-guy.wmv - Gotta love Family Guy... ripper... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGbewHT7zKU - WTF?! Seriously, the whole country - certifiable. 27/06/2006 friend.jpg - Got this in one of those touchy-feely fluffy chain mail things about "Why friends are necessary". snakes.wmv - Not a bad bunch of impersonations. Plenty of swearing so use headphones at work. http://blog.broomfieldpcdoctors.com/?p=19 - Kinda like that Carlton draught ad - but with hot chicks instead of ugly beer drinkers... wm2006_f.jpg - I guess since we're both out of the World Cup, we can sulk together... 26/06/2006 how-to-get-a-soccer-partner.wmv - Poor kid's too smart to make friends... http://franksemails.com/pics/surprisingly-single - Surprisingly single - I'm in love with the outdoor rave party chick http://dev.sticksportssoccer.com - This is pretty cool - reminds me of Kick off 2 back in the good 'ol Amiga days. It's currently a beta, would be cool to see the final version... angelbench.wmv - Freaky trick... breast-touch.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie - Now in video format! milkforyourcoffee.wmv - WTF?! Yuck! CAREFUL opening this at work. 23/06/2006 http://franksemails.com/firstbday.html - Happy 1st Birthday franksemails.com!!! bike-ouch.wmv - Top notch face plant... stella183.wmv - Good 'ol Stella ads... chance.pps - Oldie, but a goodie... Now in powerpoint format http://franksemails.com/pics/where-can-i-get-some-of-these.html - I'm sure there's more than just a few annoying women out there that wear these... clumsy_3.wmv - BAAAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHA!!!! pwn3d!!! clumsy_2.wmv - That would feel awesome... clumsy_1.wmv - :) nogaryno.wmv - How to embarrass people into quitting smoking... nightlyexcitement.pps - just a little CARE required... dogtfoot.avi - Oldie, but a goodie... flysex.doc - :) http://www.minimalsworld.net/BrazilName/brazilian.shtml - Find out what your Brazillian football star name will be 22/06/2006 brazilian.jpg - "FW: New Aussie jersey" map-of-europe.pps - Not sure if i posted this already... ahh well, if i have, here it is again :) funnyslide.pps - misc pics... owned.wmv - Awwww, cute little mouse :) spandex-and-cars.wmv - More tight pants - can you spell Camel Toe? CARE required with this. tight-pants.jpg - I bet he feels sexy in those... looks like Southbank (in Melbourne's CBD) http://www.lavarnd.org/cgi-bin/corpspeak.cgi - Impress your collegues with this email generator... 21/06/2006 wake-up.wmv - Great stuff :) nice-header.wmv - Watch the birdie! football-france.jpg - A pom sent me this... amanswish.jpg - One of those classic jokes - now as a comic! football-tactics.pps - 710cap.pps - :) drawing-dog.pps - Some oldies, but goodies to start with... 20/06/2006 powerpointpresentation.pps - Oldie, but a goodie http://video.vividas.com/media/4588_CricketAustralia/web/ - Warnie ads... football-tactics.pps - Oldie, but a goodie... qi.wmv - It's always the quiet ones... http://franksemails.com/pics/protective-dog.html - Ok, i'm not really much into posting cute stuff here, but i couldn't help myself with this one... 19/06/2006 dumped_with_class.wmv - classy... austin.avi - Oh yeah - it's extra funny in German :) hand-job.pps - Pretty cool... world-cup-urinal.jpg - awww...uh... oldie, but a goodie :) flyingdogplane.wmv - awwwwww... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbvlOqWCPCc&search=panda - awwwwww... http://www.bullguard.com/pamelaspeak/ - ouch... CARE required. http://www.matchpractice.com/game/ - Just like that 'throw the piece of scrunched up paper in the rubbish bin with a fan blowing the piece of paper all sorts of directions' game... 16/06/2006 blowjob.pps - bit silly... bullstrip.wmv - I'm sure it'd be extra funny if i spoke German :) nedgaylesbochannel.wma - Oldie, but a goodie tax_colector.jpg - It's just tax time again, and once again get sent this nasty pic a gazillion times. CAREFUL! senior6.jpg - A man who abides by these rules sent me this... bury_goldfish.jpg - An old classic joke Now with pictures! http://franksemails.com/pics/world-cup-wifes.html - World cup wifes - bit of CARE required at work... http://franksemails.com/pics/world-cup-football-fans.htm - A comparison of football fans... http://abum.com/file/shadow/animations/17632.swf - Can't be too careful these days - one day computers will take over the world! 15/06/2006 how-i-quit-smoking.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie... flyaway.wmv - Latest form of air transport fast.wmv - He's quick... gravity1.wmv - How to paraglide... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmZyB_ghpa0 - Flying dude - this is awesome! ronaldinho.htm - The full set of the Ronaldinho Nike ads... http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2006/06/13/1149964527427.html - I'm old and i can hear that annoying ring tone - nasty stuff and pretty useless given that just about every phone these days have a vibrating alert! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSoVKUVOnfQ&feature=Favorites&page=1&t=t - I'm sure i've posted this or something similar to this before - these guys are too good, so up it goes again :) caiditas-motos.wmv - misc bike clips butt.jpg - Nice choice of words... http://www.eepybird.com/dcm1.html - If you drink diet coke, make sure you have a mentos as well - it's awesome. http://youtube.com/watch?v=U1VmGjJJFrc - This guy got behind the wheel?! 14/06/2006 http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19458103-2,00.html - I wonder if they polish... management.jpg - :) reserved.jpg - :) ronaldinho.wmv - How good is he... Hope we do well on monday against Brazil. http://franksemails.com/pics/merc-bling.html - Love to take that through a car wash :) only_in.pps - misc oldies... speeding-fiat-uno-turbo-caught-by-a-speed-camera.jpg - Talk about a long filename. Says it all really... do-you-have-a-problem-with-your-neighbour.jpg - This guy looks a bit too keen on that hedge for my liking... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNxhrPaaCA4 - Great stuff - 2 of my favourite shows combine :) http://www.dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story/0,20281,19457169-5001025,00.html - Good on ya Les :) 13/06/2006 whygrandmashouldn_tskydive.wmv - Imagine that landing in your pie :) canadianidol.wmv - She makes such a big announcement about it - perhaps she should tell everyone waiting outside too... I wonder if she followed through? :) http://franksemails.com/pics/extreme-acts-of-wrongness.html - Misc recycled pics 12/06/2006 youfuckingidiot2.wmv - Idiot #2 justabitshort1.wmv - Idiot #1 chick-fight.wmv - Bah! They punch like girls! :) 6_beers_in_10_seconds.wmv - Now that's a fair effort - i've seen this done before - some people are able to drink without having to swallow - makes for a good deep-throater i guess... 1nightst.wmv - Poor bugger. teamrace.pps - Great stuff :) I remember working in these conditions once upon a time... http://franksemails.com/pics/ha-ha.html - Ha ha freakin' ha... misc pics... 9/06/2006 pet_friends.wmv - BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!! stupid cat! :) eyetest.doc - A couple i haven't seen before... 2006wc_wallchart.pdf - The SBS Programme guide for the World Cup carforsale.doc - oldie, but a goodie... string.wmv - This is what my office would be like if i were running the show :) http://franksemails.com/pics/t-shirts-of-the-year.html - more t-shirts - many old, some i haven't seen before... bit of CARE required when opening. http://franksemails.com/pics/weddin.html - Fat 'n' Skinny... 8/06/2006 http://franksemails.com/pics/oops-left-in-a-hurry-this-morning.html - Looks like it's a "careful when opening" day today... just call me carefulwhenopening.com! :) CAREFUL! Looks like a photoshop job to me anyway... english-idol-ouch.gif - Awesome dance move... latest-plasma.jpg - Just like the redneck tv... geflitstinwalibi.pps - Roller coaster rides bring out the best in people - some CARE required. scottishwife.wmv - :) shark-attacks-whale.wmv - Ok, I didn't think i'd put this up after the first time i saw it (i'm pretty sure i haven't anyway) but i've received it enough times. CAREFUL!!!!! discrimination.wmv - A follow up to that chasersgetthefuckout.wmv clip I posted on the 25th/05/2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1kqqMXWEFs - "10 things I hate about commandments" - not bad :) 7/06/2006 http://madandugly.drunkrhino.com/ - More awesome animations here :) nowthat_sadvertising.wmv - Bah! Coke's better... oldie, but a goodie. http://madandugly.drunkrhino.com/images/fbf/skipping.gif - The best animated gif you'll ever see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABnTJtjZCn8&search=charlie%20murphy - I always wondered what this was this article was about. Now I know... not bad :) Archived stuff: Click the dates below to access older stuff... 6/6/06 - 23/2/06 22/2/06 - epoch. You can send stuff to me here: If i like it and it's not too old or it's an "oldie, but a goodie", i'll put it up. And no, I don't normally give credit. Whilst you're at it, rate me on humorLinks.com - search for franksemails.com and gimmie a 10! Links to sites that i regularly visit:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |