Hey Hey! It's...
Archive 17/11/08
turned 3! Anyway, today I'll put up some of the stuff that I've received whilst I was gone. And did I say i'll return on the 31st/June? My bad...
----------Well, boys and girls, I'm on holidays for a week and I've been given a choice - either I take my laptop, or I take my wife. Should be an easy choice, but no, I'll do the right thing :) I'll be back on the 31st/June. In the meantime, feel free to check out and post something on the forum!
http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=eagle-throws-goat-off-cliff - Poor goat...
http://kotaku.com/5017062/2-girls-1-cup-and-a-witty-japanese-pun - Noice!
http://www.buzzfeed.com/eliot/gummi-lighthouses - :)
usa_jail.doc - Oldie, but a goodie - it's always good to see this in my inbox every now and again. It warms my heart :)
http://recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080616/NEWS/806160322 - The sorta thing you wanna see after spending, say, $30k on your big night...
archery.xls - Great game - get him in the eye :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/olivers-misc-trazillion-pics-18-6-08 - ...and from a few others...
http://franksemails.com/pics/newspaper-clippings - Newspaper clippings - funny stuff...
the_duck_and_the_dog.wmv - Oops...
oops-yeehaa.wmv - Oops...
oops-snowmobile.wmv - Oops...
oops-bowling.wmv - Oops...
oops-anchor.wmv - Oops...
http://doubleplusundead.mee.nu/fun_with_hungry_truthers - BAHAHAHA! - "His very existence, the fact that someone can be this dumb and live to be 45, is a testament to how great this country is."
http://www.gamesradar.com/f/naked-gun-intro-done-in-gta-iv/a-20080606103058468042 - :)
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=218 - Don't forget to vote!
http://users.skynet.be/bk258512/idiot_test.swf - I guess this makes colour blind people idiots too...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-16-6-08 - Misc pics...
http://franksemails.com/pics/cat-fishing - Cats are evil...
idiot_of_the_year.wmv - WHY!?
http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&... - How about a headless unicorn?
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-13-6-08 - Misc pics for the week...
84-year-old-bride.jpg - Hmm.... Well, if i had to read it, then so should you...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7448363.stm - Hope it's not a flop for their sake...
people_getting_hurt.wmv - Faceplants, punches and other misc violence...
balloondogmay2-2008.wmv - Balloon Dog!!!
http://wtfurls.com/videos/332/dumbass-of-the-day-why-kicking-a-concrete-wall-is-never-a-good-idea - I dunno, it looked like a pretty funny idea to me!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/2110071/Trouser-snake-man-I-thought-I-would-die.html - I hate it when the teeth get in the way...
http://franksemails.com/pics/things_you_dont_see_every_day - Things you don't see every day (except when they get recycled on the net over and again...)
some-people-what-are-they-like.wmv - Smart cookies...
home-made-rollercoaster.wmv - Hillbilly rollercoaster...
hillfromhell.wmv - WHY!?
http://flickr.com/photos/pinguino/2543609793/ - 2 Girls 1 Cup - The Cake!!! - not really unsafe for work, but a little discretion won't go astray...
http://franksemails.com/pics/land-art - Oops...
http://franksemails.com/pics/query-anal - Sorry...
http://franksemails.com/pics/interrupting-photos - Making photos better...
willardwigan.pps - Probably the most patient human being in existance...
mars-photos.pps - Looks like they need some democracy...
http://gizmodo.com/5012983/security-cam-footage-of-... - Why LCD monitors are safer for workers...
Archived stuff:
Click the dates below to access older stuff...
31/12/07 - 9/6/08
17/7/07 - 31/12/07
1/1/07 - 17/7/07
26/8/06 - 31/12/06
23/2/06 - 25/8/06
6/6/06 - 23/2/06
22/2/06 - epoch.
You can send stuff to me here:
If i like it and it's not too old or it's an "oldie, but a goodie", i'll put it up. And no, I don't normally give credit.
Links to sites that i regularly visit: