Hey Hey! It's...


Archive 16/10/2009

http://www.bspcn.com/2009/10/06/25-hilarious-defaced-dollar-bills/ - BOOM!!1! HEADSHOT1!!1
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/defence/6261756/MoD-how-to-stop-leaks-document-is-leaked.html - Heh :)
broken_hill_dust_storm_australia.wmv - Broken Hill Dust Storm
http://franksemails.com/pics/dead-fly-art - Dead fly art
theeggthelemonandtheorange1.wmv - ZOMFG!
penguin_plays_table_tennis.wmv - Quick little guy...
brains.wmv - Correct!
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/875834/wooden-spoon-mum-sparks-smacking-debate/?rss=yes - Here's some good advice - http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=beat
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/entertainment/875913/why-no-kangaroos-at-airports-tourists - I wonder if anyone's told her that you can buy roo meat at the supermarket...
http://antiduckface.com/ - I do appreciate the message this website is trying to put out there, but seriously, these pictures make me really angry...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWCOYJg9ps4 - 2 girls 2 cups!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh6oGwOMVeY - Looks like there's more than just alcohol involved here...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRCHXhSrYlY - Chelsea Translator...
http://www.sickipedia.org/ - "I went to a funeral yesterday with my girlfriend, It was the first time I had met most of her family. God they're miserable frackers."
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-14-10-09 - Misc pics... One is a little unsafe for work...
newyorkdress.wmv - Lovely...
muppets_-_devil_went_down_to_jamaica_wmv_v9.wmv - Good shit man!
how_far_will_a_condom_stretch.wmv - Pretty far, apparently...
funny_sermon.wmv - Heh :)
http://www.notquitenigella.com/2009/10/08/bacon-jam-your-wildest-dreams-come-true/ - Why this is my favourite Maccas ad of all time... Bacon bacon bacon, everybody loves bacon...
photos_insolites.pps - Misc pics...
http://franksemails.com/pics/what-stormtroopers-do-on-their-days-off - What stormtroopers do on their days off...
http://franksemails.com/pics/myfirstfail - Fail!
http://franksemails.com/pics/bumper-stickers-for-fogies - Bumper stickers!
heineken_-_walkin_fridge.wmv - Walkin fridge...
http://www.opb.org/programs/ofg/videos/view/56-Electric-Drag-Racing - Pretty cool stuff...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/8296190.stm - That'll learn 'em...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivationals-9-10-09 - Motivational posters...
http://www.courthousenews.com/2009/09/23/Family_Says_911_Tape_Caught_Cops_Planning_Cover-Up_After_Shooting.htm?=protectandserve - Poor guy...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst665_Hey-Hey-Its-Saturday-Reunion--Harry-Connick-Jr-blackface-incident.aspx - Heh :)
http://peopleofwalmart.com/ - I posted this not long ago, but it's worth posting again since there's always new stuff to check out. Oh, btw, Heh :)
http://thatwillbuffout.com/ - Heh :)
http://thereifixedit.com/ - Heh :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/office-fridge - Good reason to have a fridge under your desk...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_AIc3Nqh0k - Nice 'snap' sound 25 seconds into it...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvCN2s-plYU - It was gay then and it's still gay today - the only change is the definition of 'gay'...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBBw9E2Q_aY - Might have to trade in the Skyline for a Delorean...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8285380.stm - Gideon Gono is a legend...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst664_Collaborative-Animation.aspx - Bugger - no money shot.
http://franksemails.com/pics/lovely-wedding-pics - Lovely wedding pics...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-6-10-09 - Misc pics...
creme_that_egg.wmv - Blimey!
http://acidcow.com/video/4284-scared_in_bed_by_head.html - Very good :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l_i35bisOE - YAAAAAY!!! :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD6Nn4t0Lzw - Gang War in Southern Russia - crazy stuff...
http://www.27bslash6.com/grubby.html - From the dude that brought you the 7-legged spider...
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1922340 - Sounds like he's playing the whole orchestra there...
http://franksemails.com/pics/delicious-cakes - Yum!
http://www.vimeo.com/1789376 - The Balloon Hat Guy!
worlds_fastest_rail_train.wmv - Fast!!!
shakeweight_with_original_audio_restored.wmv - Limited Television Offer!
police_first_aider_arrives_at_accident.wmv - Good job...
fight_fair.wmv - I guess she didn't find it funny after all...
how_to_make_a_big_impression_for_the_girls.wmv - Faceplant!
happy_hippo.wmv - Awwww...
http://franksemails.com/pics/london-tube-goatse - Another funny sign, or at least I found it funny as it looks like a goatse pic. I took this last year when I was in the UK...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/news/6240537/Guerrilla-signs-15-funny-road-and-rail-notices.html - :)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/8283617.stm - Very nice vid.
http://www.soundsleeping.com/vibes_small.html - Relaxing way to start the new month...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst662_Blasphemy-Day.aspx - Whoops!
http://www.visit-x.net/CAMS/US/specials/Rammstein.html?track=Index - I don't see a problem. NOT safe for work.
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst653_A-Lawyer-With-a-Heart.aspx - Touching story...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/technology/869009/virginity-faking-device-triggers-outrage-in-egypt/?rss=yes - Err... Happy Blasphemy Day everybody!
http://www.blasphemyday.com/ - Happy Blasphemy Day everybody!
garconete.wmv - Some people need to grow a sense of humour...
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/pigeons-banned-from-national-day-celebrations-in-china/story-e6frfhk6-1225779887085 - I used to love this cartoon...
popularnewrideattexasstatefair.wmv - I hope it hurt...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6229243/Million-to-one-apple-is-half-red-half-green.html - Now lets see if he can win the lotto...
http://franksemails.com/pics/rock-paper-scissors - Correct!
school_answer_service_gm.mp3 - Awwwww... How cute... Teacher thinks she's funny...
http://franksemails.com/pics/awwwww - Awwwww...
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-restaurants - Noice!
http://franksemails.com/pics/yahoo-fails - Misc fails...
http://franksemails.com/pics/politics-in-america - Engrish!
http://franksemails.com/pics/invisible-man - The tractor one is very impressive...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/signlanguage/ - Big collection of signs...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6204929/The-most-creepy-stuff-on-the-web.html - A pig that carves itself. Kinda like the restaurant at the end of the universe...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU9W7Qo1T6M - Who's that stupid that they need to remember to breathe? I bet this guy drives a van with "free candy" written all over it.
http://www.b3ta.com/links/369180 - This dude looks like a nerd from the '70s. I wonder if that fall at 1:02 was deliberate or not...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMGJB410Ccs - This is screaming for mass production...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst659_Are-you-woman-enough-for-Erik-the-Viking.aspx - They all like to have fun!
http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/sep/21/mit-students-budget-space-photographs - Pretty damn good work. Saw this on hackaday the other day. Very cool stuff. Also see here.
the_2009_brownlow_shame_awards.pps - Another year, another boring Brownlow medal count I didn't watch (along with the rest of the AFL season). Here's the powerpoint slideshow for this year... The Princess Leia one made me ROFL.
http://franksemails.com/pics/wa-traffic-infringement - Noice...
arse_golf_shot.wmv - Bet that felt good...
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-ebay-auction - Noice - bit unsafe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/146kgs-woman - Big lady...
http://franksemails.com/pics/whoops - Whoops...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJqoRaphiEk - Pwesome tesla coil...
misc-pics-18-9-09.pps - MOAR misc pics. One is slightly unsafe...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-18-9-09 - Misc pics - not safe for work.
landon_rules.wmv - Trick shot boy...
http://hospitalnotes.blogspot.com/ - Here's his site...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1213881/Can-identify-NHS-patient-sets-Hospital-Bingo-work-served-lunch-day.html - Poor guy...
http://www.stupidvideos.com/video/just_plain_stupid/Wheelchair_Rocker_1/ - Timmeh!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1213891/Driver-ended-teetering-cliff-edge-guilty-blindly-following-sat-nav-directions.html - If you remember this from a while back, it just got funnier...
http://www.exbyte.net/funny-videos/56520/tampon-prank-goes-wrong/ - Yuck. Site is a bit unsafe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-animated-gifs - Misc animated gifs
http://hackaday.com/2009/09/15/using-matchbox-cars-as-a-switch/ - Best HAD article EVAH! :)
treadmill-dancer.wmv - Damn, this guy's good...
http://majman.net/fly_loader.html - Damn flies...
http://franksemails.com/pics/pimp-my-semi - Very nice...
bomb_deep_sea.wmv - Nice try, but after yesterday's clip, i was kinda expecting retaliation...
proof_of_michael_jacksons_ghost__scary_new_raw_footage_.avi - Michael Jacksons Ghost!!! ZOMFGLOL!11
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE5kkyucts8 - All over the news - it's a hoax, but if it weren't, she'd be quite the MILF...
nasty-prankster.wmv - What an asshole...
http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/09/wildfires_in_southern_californ.html - Crazy stuff... Hopefully it doesn't get as bad as it did down here in Victoria...
india_sacra.pps - Perty...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-10-9-09 - Misc pics
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-10-9-09 - Motivational pics
one_man_saw.wmv - Clever bloke...
aussie_taxi_driver.wmv - Blind as a welder's dog :)
----------Thanks to Mike for creating a favourite icon for the site.
blind_cricket.wmv - My new favourite sport...
dogfood.wmv - Evil cat...
blindfoldednutshot.wmv - Not nice...
http://franksemails.com/pics/best-shoes - Owww I just love those shoes!
discovery.pps - Perty...
the_latest_tech.pps - ...
mona_lisa_-_arbys.wmv - I think the dog's got the right idea...
http://www.wagreflex.com/2009/07/one-heck-of-a-dog-trainer.html - Blimey!
http://silentwulf.com/flash/I%20Love%20Death.swf - Bit unsafe...
logging_big_fail.wmv - Oops...
lassie.wmv - Dogs are awesome...
horse_spared_from_fate_worse_than_death.wmv - It's funny 'cause she cries...
rollerblade-bottle.wmv - I remember seeing one of these a while back, pretty sure this is a different tune...
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2616794/Coaster-girls-boob-is-big-hit.html - I wonder if she sues...
interesting-accidents.pps - Heh...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6IyGAvbOs4 - Aw gawd, not again... German speaking folk must really find this obsession with this clip rather annoying...
some-painful-ways-to-get-off.wmv - Cool motorbike tricks!
sdbpenetratejn.mpeg - Looks like a fun toy...
oldbarackee.wmv - Mmmm... Beer....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRBfMik6TaE - Sock!
jessica-piercing.wmv - It's like a worm - you cut it in half, you get two worms!
http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ - Old guy with implants FTW!!! Or is that supposed to be WTF? Can't remember which...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKH3iemEd-A - I'd be impressed if it were an elephant herd...
http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=how-not-to-leave-an-accident - Oh dear...
http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=big-girl-bull-ride - Physics can be a wonderful thing...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OapMvlhZOQ - Breaking bones in this one - you've been warned.
http://franksemails.com/pics/miss-50-years-old-nsfw - NOT safe for work...
women_just_dont_understand.wmv - Heh :)
el_busca_peleas.wmv - Yeah.... You better run...
car_park_fail.wmv - Fail!
big_ballsup.wmv - Ouch...
atv_loading_fail_.wmv - Clever lad...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-1-9-09 - Misc pics - some not safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/human-towers - All we need is a bit of concrete to set them there...
http://franksemails.com/pics/how-to-eat-a-nut - Deepthroat!
http://franksemails.com/pics/fails-1-9-09 - Fail!
http://www.eatliver.com/i.php?n=4262 - Blimey, i've done plenty for today, and all have been external links... yay for me...
http://englishrussia.com/?p=1511 - The Soviets were an inventive lot...
http://www.thetoyzone.com/2009/blog/15-awesome-matchstick-models/ - I'd like to light the Elvis one...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/health/855038/drinking-almost-halves-dementia-risk - Ironic...
http://www.parkwayreststop.com/archives/2937 - :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFPI54fOWoo - Don't SMS and drive, and don't eat whilst flying an X-Wing fighter in the middle of battle...
http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/most-horrific-parasitic-worms/10497 - Make sure you're eating a bowl of spaghetti whilst you take a look at this...
http://englishrussia.com/?p=2580 - Whoops!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAxcnZCU0UU - Wow. I thought we did some pretty nasty ads down under, but this is something else... Don't SMS and drive...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-eF7APJlgo - I feel for the poor guy...
http://www.tapeyourself.com/ - Better than plastic surgery...
http://twitter.com/shitmydadsays - Quotations of a wise man...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1208913/The-poodles-transformed-pandas-horses-snails-creative-grooming-dog-shows.html - Call the RSPCA...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/sheep/reaction_version5.swf - Ye olde, but goode...
http://franksemails.com/pics/helping-hand - Another one of things you just hope is true...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/854227/slang-used-at-london-atms - I wonder who's the merchant banker that came up with this genius idea...
http://hackaday.com/2009/08/24/lego-mindstorms-sudoku-solver/ - The 2nd comment made me ROFL...
http://www.tvtonight.com.au/2009/08/fifis-live-blooper.html - 2 of my favourite words - CUNtry and CUNstable...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst623_the-hippie-and-the-nun.aspx - Oldie, but a goodie...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst632_Franks-Night-Out.aspx - :)
pickup-lines.wmv - Thought he was an all-round nice bloke until the last scene...
mow-the-lawn--wilkinson-sword-uk.wmv - Awww... Cute pussy...
glock_home_protection.wmv - Glock Home Protection!?
bmw_pfeidom1.wmv - Bike boy!
http://franksemails.com/socialismcapitalism.wmv.html - Haven't watched it yet, but it's the Cap'n, so it should be good and I'm sure it's full of charts - everyone loves charts... (via http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2009/08/how-to-argue-against-socialism-and.html)
http://www.vspworld.com/vsp/?p=20 - Crazy...
http://www.boxhill.edu.au/ShortCourses/TLDGC.htm - What the!?
http://www.theinternetpatrol.com/the-story-of-tracy - More on the "other pussy" story...
http://franksemails.com/pics/otherpussy - Other pussy...
http://xkcd.com/627/ - You too can be your very own 'computer guy'...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ashes - Congrats to England for regaining The Ashes.
leafblower.mpg - Whoops!
argentinian-dancer-wardobe-malfunction.wmv - Whoops!
http://franksemails.com/pics/dont-fall-asleep-in-the-jungle - Whoops...
show_off_touchdown_fail.wmv - Thought it was slow-motion enough the first time, clearly not...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_P77VEPKA - Yet another "hitler getting shirty" clip...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/surrey/8209684.stm - Maybe that's why people puke on these rides...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b36Yi-Pb1wM - They got skillz...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-21-8-09 - Bit unsafe for work...
http://www.warmandfuzzyfeeling.com/ - Huh!?
monkeys6.wmv - It's funny 'cause it's true...
http://www.nwfdailynews.com/articles/police-19815-tells-report.html - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?
http://www.noob.us/humor/automatic-door-fail/ - That'll teach it...
http://franksemails.com/pics/facebook-fail - Facebook fail...
http://www.spaceavalanche.com/2009/08/18/star-trek-voyager/ - Fantastic :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/anti-smart-car-propaganda - I laugh at people who drive smart cars - "hihihihihihi!!1 It's so cute!!1lol!1"
http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/the-billion-dollar-gram/ - Wow - Internet pr0n Industry is booming!
shakeweight.wmv - I carry a free version of this wherever I go...
http://failblog.org/2009/07/27/cake-print-fail/ - Doesn't surprise me - I had my 30th birthday cake done with a picture (take a guess which picture I used? :) and it took several attempts for those cake making morons at the cake shop I went to to get it right...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/850705/burglars-dob-in-child-porn-offender/ - Crime sometimes pays...
prick_ghost_rider_owned_by_real_ghost_rider.wmv - Looks a bit staged, but I hope it isn't...
escaperescue256.wmv - Looks like so much fun, you'd wanna set the building on fire just to try it out...
http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/ - Not bad... The winterbells and bauns games are pretty good...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_pr0I5Xvb4 - Not really sure if this qualifies as being unsafe for work, but anyway...
http://www.bannerblog.com.au/2009/06/pringles.php - :)
akrob.wmv - Such rim-jobs this guy could give himself - I'm jealous...
http://franksemails.com/pics/lamborghini-reventon - Took me weeks to get rid of all the packaging when we got a new telly, especially with all that foam - but this!?
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1917993 - Heh... I've still got VHS...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm933_How-to-confuse-an-idiot.aspx - :)
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2009/08/enterp... - Just helping you spread the good word Cap'n...
http://channelbee.com/comedy/show/video/2035 - Well thought out advice. £3.35 well spent...
http://franksemails.com/pics/i-fixed-it - :)
http://www.tvtonight.com.au/2009/08/airdate-beached-az.html - I'm very excited about this...
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/34406_And_Now_for_Something_Completely_Wacky - Great clip...
http://www.todaysbigthing.com/2009/08/07 - Great shot - gets them both!
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/hygiene/home/article190130.ece - Seems that the reputable publications make mistakes too...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg-heCy0CbQ - I'm glad it worked out in the end...
http://engrishfunny.com/ - Just like engrish.com, but funny...
http://franksemails.com/pics/fired-via-facebook - Pwned!
http://www.spiegel.de/video/video-1015523.html - For sure it's real... The innernet says so...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm929_Abu-Dhabi-Mercedes-Benz.aspx - For sure it's 1200kw... The innernet says so...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-11-8-09 - Misc pics... One of which isn't quite safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-motivational-posters-11-8-09 - Not safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/holy-shit - Bit unsafe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/bogan-brides - Bogan brides
http://franksemails.com/pics/underwire-bras - Not safe for work...
uspdf_2009_championship_highlights.wmv - Pole dancing championship!
afrika.pps - Moar Perty... Man I hate it when there's a delay between each slide...
force_of_nature.pps - Perty...
horse_fails_to_hitch_a_ride.wmv - Saw this on the news the other week. Seems to have gone viral...
automobiles_avant_guerre.pps - Really nice cars...
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20090731 - Suffer, you moron.
turkishbankad.wmv - Siktir lan!
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/lifestyle/lifematters/aussie-blokes-make-the-worst-husbands-study-20090804-e8k7.html - What's wrong with this picture - A British study finds that Australian men make the worst husbands. I guess we make good cricketers at least...
horrible_jobs.pps - Wonderful jobs...
binquoi.pps - NOT safe for wowk. Nope, didn't notice at first...
http://washingtonindependent.com/54104/punkin-the-birthers-priceless - Pwned!
http://www.stopinternets.com/blah/2009/08/05/rare-star-wars-photos/ - Chewie's grabbing her boobie!!1
http://www.rathergood.com/content/jocksapp/show.html?s=6366410412&m=Sean+Connery - Pretty sure I got it right. Try as I might, I can't seem to get a good looking Scot out of this app.
parlement_europeen_22.mpeg - Gay!
eu_parlament_33.wmv - Pwned...
eu_parlament_11.wmv - Yuck.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Frk2H-g3CQ - Station wagon getting pwned...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8185524.stm - All we need now is a Putin action figure...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tatl1PBYim4 - She appears to be a bit confused about her gender... Use headphones at work...
gatillaso.wmv - Helpful lot...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0umKaGxkkE - When he drinks, he smokes...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-5-8-09 - Motivational pics...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst605_Great-prank.aspx - Another clever invention that should make someone a zillionaire...
http://www.uncrate.com/men/body/skin/jds-bacon-lip-balm/ - Awesome. Whoever thought up this flavour should be a zillionaire...
norma_m20.wmv - Right-click the video and watch in full screen...
turtuolis.wmv - Don't think this needs a translation...
http://franksemails.com/pics/excavator-climb - Dunno if i've posted this already, but it's worth a second look anyway...
http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,25873510-5003402,00.html - Viable contender for WTF of the year...
http://bestofwikipedia.tumblr.com/ - I swear I've experienced the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon on many, many occasions...
http://www.flixya.com/photo/12250/Cats_that_look_like_Hitler,_Stalin_and_Lenin - Didn't think cats could get any more evil...
http://current.com/items/88862229_i-kicked-burning-terrorist... - This guy kicks ass!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbr2ao86ww0 - Well, that didn't last long...
http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/4518788.Benefit_cuts_force_me_to_eat_unhealthy_chocolate - She looks like 45, not 25...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC_zK16sosw - Pisser :)
http://www.spaceavalanche.com/page/23/ - This is more like what I expected to happen the first time I saw the movie...
http://franksemails.com/pics/balcony-contest - Balcony contest...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/lincolnshire/8177107.stm - :)
http://channelbee.com/comedy/show/video/585 - Looks like he talks about other stuff with his panel of experts as well. This guy's hilarious :)
http://channelbee.com/comedy/show/video/1957 - And the third test with his "late night panel"... I wonder if he'll eventually find a cricket fan on one of these shows...
http://channelbee.com/comedy/show/video/1815 - Analysis of the 2nd test...
http://bestiario.org/web/media/19/preview/index.php?id_proyecto=19 - They chase your mouse around like they're gonna attack it, but once they get there, they all chicken out and do nothing... What a bunch of wussies...
http://channelbee.com/comedy/show/video/1707 - Very deep and meaningful discussion of the Cricket...
soyouthinkyoucanfly.wmv - Very cool...
blindfolded_prank.wmv - Comedy genius!
force_of_nature.pps - Perty...
http://www.heyokay.com/2009/humpback-whale-surfaces/ - Good burley always produces the best results when fishing...
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2009/07/reason-for-culling-human-population.html - This woman is a genius...
http://franksemails.com/pics/national-geographic-best-pictures-of-the-year - Perty...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-30-7-09 - Misc pics... One isn't safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/vegetable_humour - LOL! I ROFLed!!1
tennis-ball-unlock.wmv - Yeah right...
medecine.wmv - Gay!
how_to_make_a_tree_look_taller.wmv - Looks like he's missing something...
banned_german_sprite_ad.wmv - NOT safe for work...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rude_Britain - Felch square?
http://franksemails.com/pics/1950-chev-437-miles - 703 kilometres for those of you who live in civilised countries :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDx-mQqzYNw - Vortex cannon - freakin' pwesome!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU2ftCitvyQ - Another one to hit the clubs...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY9u0LxIWJk - Jeremy Clarkson Beat-Box...
http://www.oddee.com/item_96768.aspx - The oompa loompa's are in this one... those guys are so famous...
http://b3ta.com/board/9597568 - Dunno why they install teletext on new TVs and digital set top boxes... Who uses it? Apart from deaf people I suppose...
http://franksemails.com/pics/online-dating - NOT safe for work, or for anyone's eyes for that matter...
http://blog.23x.net/5/what-is-a-munchy-box.html - Yum...
master_chef_recipes_2009.pdf - Did someone actually tape the whole series and write down every recipe? Blimey...
http://franksemails.com/pics/side-car - Side car!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em8OQhbQkvI - Man, that guy's gonna cop a car bomb - he obviously insulted Putin with his anti-communist rhetoric...
http://franksemails.com/pics/delicious-junk-food - Yum...
yoga.pdf - Wow - I already practice yoga and I didn't know it...
therapythorughlove.pps - Nice misc pics...
motorcyclegaragedooropener.wmv - Genius...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0 - :)
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1202308/Pictured-The-record-breaking-kayaker-risked-life-limb-186ft-waterfall-drop.html - Blimey!
rain.wmv - Don't recall ever hearing cheers and applause in a storm...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_zK2apRHI4 - Butt's a better word than ask!?
http://franksemails.com/pics/funny-wedding-photos - Hilarious...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-pics-23-7-09 - Motivational pics...
f-35_takeoff_recovery.wmv - Pwesome!
the_day_they_should_stayed_in_bed.wmv - Misc pwnage...
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=World%20War%20II&defid=3821558 - Dunno if that definition would fit on a mug...
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5mek5_how-to-peel-a-banana_fun - How to peel a banana in Japan...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm886_A-bowl-named-Frank.aspx - :)
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst573_Guess-What-Nationality.aspx - Seems unsafe for work, but...
http://komplexify.com/epsilon/2009/05/21/ultimate-test/ - Painful, painful memories this triggers...
http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,25819477-5005961,00.html?from=public_rss - What the!?
http://wwos.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=839921 - 1st win in 75 years on your home ground is a looooong time... Even though we lost, we still win :)
russian_road_maintenance.wmv - I'm sure this never happened under communism!
http://www.pickuplinegen.com/?id=128 - The f-word's in a large font here, so bit of care required at work...
mira-quien-baila.wmv - Not safe for work...
close_call_with_a_train.wmv - Whatever the train driver said, I'm sure I agree with...
worlds_luckiest_snowboarder_cheats_death.wmv - This guy faces death and does tricks in front of it...
karagouna.wmv - Nice. I wonder if Laurel and Hardy ever shifted the deli...
drunk-2-police-station.wmv - Plastered!
drunk-1-toilet-check.wmv - HA-HA!
bastards_2.wmv - Go-go gadget arm much?
carpentryengineeringwalkingtable.wmv - Awww... innit cute...
carpentryengineeringexpandingtable.wmv - Nice table...
basketballdog.wmv - Dogs are awesome...
http://www.break.com/usercontent/2007/11/Redneck-Games-405720.html - Heh...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-17-7-09 - Slightly unsafe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/hospital-fun - NOT safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-motivational-posters-17-7-09 - NOT safe for work...
how_an_electric_fence_can_ruin_a_good_day_.avi - Provides extra thrust!
l-art_du_chargement.pps - "The art of loading"
idiots3.wmv - Doesn't quite look real...
idiots2.wmv - Thud! BAAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA :D
idiots1.wmv - Camera guy asks all the clever questions...
evian-baby-skate.wmv - Man I hate this ad. Haven't seen it on TV yet, but I've received it about 20 times in the last 2 weeks, so I suppose I should put it up. Apparently it was shot in a park somewhere in Melbourne - I think i'll have to go find that park and burn it.
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/34165_Our_Friends_the_Saudis - LFG on a roll #3
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/34189_Headline_of_the_Day - LFG on a roll #2
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/34186_Saudis_Cure_Cancer - LFG on a roll #1
bandsaw_magic.wmv - After watching patiently for 2 minutes, you get to see the final product for LESS THAN 2 SECONDS!? FFS!!!
edgar-mueller-est-un-artiste-alleman.pps - Very cool...
nano-second.pps - :)
micropenis.wmv - NOT safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-14-7-09 - Wow - that bat almost flew the cat away...
http://franksemails.com/pics/ladyboys - Ladyboys. Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad...
tragic_chihuahua.wmv - Yum!
http://englishrussia.com/images/daily_10/18.jpg - Awww... Cute family shot.
http://franksemails.com/pics/rules-are-rules - Rules are rules...
http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_3394806.html?menu= - Ahh denial - such a wonderful thing.
http://www.vb.com.au/#/regulars-video/the-vb-regulars - Great ad, great beer...
whenautoswereart.pps - Nice cars...
furniture_jump--fail.wmv - Clever lad!
bear_dance.wmv - Bear dance!
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-10-7-09 - Big load of misc pics...
http://www.rathergood.com/bite - I can see this hitting the clubs... After watching this, watch the "stupid woman" clip posted on 1/7/09 again - it's extra funny.
http://franksemails.com/pics/the-jackson-5 - Sorry...
http://www.ig.ns.ac.yu/fun.html - Another red room type game. It's only a plastic chair, I'm sure I can "brute force" my way out of there...
http://franksemails.com/pics/the-worlds-12-sexiest-people - Once more, not safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/snake-at-a-pilbara-mine-site - Snake! Snake! Ohhhh it's a snake!
http://franksemails.com/pics/looks-similar - Wow - they've already made a big statue of him...
http://franksemails.com/pics/nude-bike-riding - Also not safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/cool-garage-doors - Cool garage doors - take a guess which is my favourite...
http://franksemails.com/pics/beach-soccer - Not safe for work...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InZNBcJTmWs - Awesome...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/834485/budget-airline-wants-passengers-to-stand/?rss=yes - This is just asking for an Irish joke...
aremenbornthisway.wmv - I'm pretty sure this was me...
arewomenbornthisway.wmv - Yep!
scarifyaroadsurface.wmv - It's alive!
travis_pastranas_tricycle_backflip--third_time_lucky.wmv - Pretty sure i've seen this before - dunno if i saw the first 2 attempts though.
whistling_belly.wmv - Whistling Belly
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews - Looks like fun. The Eureka tower in Melbourne has one of these which moves out of the building.
http://www.stracka.com/golf-blogs/blogs_post.asp?id=3357105 - Why I don't play golf...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/... - NO!!!!! WHY!??!?!?
prize-winning_adds.pps - Wow - Sprite made a bukkake ad!
http://jonesbigasstruckrentalandstorage.com/ - And here's the website...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0gb9v4LI4o - :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPkMUU9tUqk - Almost as good as this guy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azV5bC2br-Q - Train vs Tornado
http://franksemails.com/pics/ultimate-wine-fridge - Very cool...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-3-7-09--3 - MOAR Motivational Posters...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-3-7-09--2 - More Motivational Posters...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-3-7-09 - It's Motivational Poster Friday! For the gun nuts...
do_you_take_it_in_the_---_the_wetspots.wmv - Not safe for work.
vow_of_silence.wmv - :)
http://www.stupidvideos.com/video/Operation_Repo__Just_Beat_I_t___truTVcom#252414 - I wonder how he felt when MJ kicked the bucket...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-2-7-09 - Misc pics - some not safe for work...
underground_city_of_derinkuyu.pps - Awesome!
understanding_the_credit_crunch---how_currency_increases.wmv - What causes inflation...
labia_limbo--the_wetspots.wmv - Catchy...
how_not_to_take_off_in_a_seaplane.wmv - Oops...
boobsinthebathtub.wmv - NOT safe for work. I saw this coming...
noice-doggy.wmv - Good boy!
http://aycgmsd.com/ - Mmm.... Tzatziki...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1196538/Caught-camera-Covert-film-litterers-blighting-estate-posted-YouTube.html - Might catch some coppers abusing tasers as well...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ovXqfigNzo - Awww...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfM1O46wdMM - He's alive! So is Elvis...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSYgikHRt3U - Stupid woman.
school_as_we_used_to_like_it.wmv - Just like the good ol' days...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/macchiato1/3534790964/ - Well, I've never heard the phrase used before, so i guess i can't really find this funny...
http://www.super-solutions.com/1943GuidetoHiringWomen.asp - Don't like point 3 - I'd rather a "no fat chicks" policy.
----------Hope you all had a great EOFYS - Happy new financial year! :)
nana_loves_a_story.wmv - :)
howcanonewoman.pps - Noice!
how_to_change_a_tyre.wmv - Bah! As if there'd be a van to carry a spare tyre around for you everywhwere...
danza_del_agua.wmv - Perty...
coolpoolshot.wmv - Both balls with one shot...
http://franksemails.com/pics/creative-writing-or-drawing - Perty...
awkward_family_photos_-_slide_show.pps - More here...
http://franksemails.com/pics/awkward-family-photos - Awkward Family Photos
051109_monstertruck.wmv - Looks like fun...
http://bash.org/?772437 - She could've tried a gangbang instead...
http://www.b3ta.com/challenge/michaeljackson/popular/ - Good ol' b3ta...
http://www.lolcatbible.com/ - LOLCat Bible Translation Project.
http://lmgtfy.com/ - I know someone at work who would love this site...
russias-got-talent.wmv - This video reminds me of a phrase I used to like hearing back when I used to play Unreal Tournament. Googling it reveals no details as to whether it's real or not.
http://www.thebuckland.com.au/ - This is where my wife and I stayed for the week. Beautiful place with fantastic views and friendly owners. If you're thinking of staying in the Bright area in Victoria's alpine region, this place is perfect.
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm804_Let-the-jokes-begin.aspx - MJ & FF - RIP. Doesn't take long for the jokes to start. I received a joke SMS just after 11am this morning whilst driving back from my holiday in Bright, probably only a few of hours of MJ's passing.
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm786_Happy-4th-Birthday-franksemailscom.aspx - Happy EOFYS everybody!!!
http://franksemails.com/pics/used-car-for-sale - Noice...
http://franksemails.com/pics/have-you-ever-been-this-tired - Quick! Someone turn the heater on!
http://www.ejb.com/video/20594/Classroom_slap.html - Dunno why he felt the need to take his tshirt off...
whyyouneverkissamonkey.wmv - Yuck!
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001V9VCAQ?ie=UTF8&tag=oddee-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001V9VCAQ - Batteries not included!
dial_before_you_dig.pps - That would've singed his eyebrows...
http://www.jessicagottlieb.com/2009/02/the-most-fun-i-ever-had-in-bed/ - Is there anything the iPhone can't do? Although, I don't really need that app myself...
http://www.idkwtf.com/videos/latest-videos/free-photo-booth - Heh :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9lJAazj14c - Not the smartest thing to do. Funny, but not smart.
http://www.break.com/index/soldier-ambushed-during-training-exercise.html - Good dog!
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20090513 - Lucky for him it wasn't a real gun...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-17-6-09 - A couple not safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/redtube-marathon - Fair effort...
real_winter_in_bruch.pps - I'd rather walk than have to dig my car out...
http://franksemails.com/pics/gibraltar-airport - Planes should give right of way I reckon...
http://franksemails.com/pics/sticky-tape - Sticky tape
scary_things_happen_in_the_dark.wmv - :)
why_you_should_never_allow_your_dog_to_kiss_you.wmv - Ugh. Dogs lick their own butt cracks as well...
nice_magic.wmv - Bit unsafe for work...
a_loving_bouncy_yorkshire_terrier.wmv - Soggy teddy...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/825878/boy-flushes-dirty-puppy-down-the-loo - Poor little guy...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst546_Hey-This-looks-new-looks-around.aspx - The post it note video is fantastic!
technical-issues.wmv - Don't remember if i posted this already, but if i did, it'll be funnier this time around...
textile_crisis_brazil.pps - Not safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/argentina-vs-brazil - Heh...
photo_manipulations_by_erik_johansson.pps - Heh...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeaSJ3FNJX4 - Well, one thing that kids these days are good at is collecting evidence...
hq-holden.wmv - Bah! No traction control!
http://www.yourdailymedia.com/media/1231427476/Real_Life_Spider_Man - Crazy bugger...
jury_duty_-_no.pdf - Yep.
http://www.theage.com.au/travel/travel-news/teen-on-run-to-europe - Well, we've got an outbreak of swine flu in Victoria, maybe she wanted to get away...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm769_Fw-From-yesterdays-Bristol-Evening-Post--a-MUST-read.aspx - I hope it's true...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/... - Dunno about that iPod dock - I think it's quite useful...
http://franksemails.com/pics/hard-legal-drugs - Happy times!
http://franksemails.com/pics/greek-wedding-sydney - Bridesmaids - Roula, Toula, Soula, Voula, Foula, Koula and Agape is the maid of honour...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst543_Found-my-future-wife-NSFW.aspx - Flexible...
http://www.vetocorleone.com/2009/03/difference-between-george-w-bush-and.html - Heh :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40DykbPa4Lc - :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jxiCxeYxuM - Hmmm.... Dunno about the arithmetic - surely she's signaling the dog...
http://celebrities.ninemsn.com.au/slideshow_ajax.aspx?sectionid=8847§ionname=slideshowajax&subsectionid=153750&subsectionname=iftheywerentfamous2 - "If they weren't famous"... Heh...
----------Queen's birthday public holiday on monday, so i'll C U Next Tuesday! God I love that...
http://franksemails.com/pics/hot-ladies - Noice...
http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/chatnoir/chatnoir.html - This should well and truly waste your Friday...
http://www.musthavetoys.com/sudoku_boobies.php - Slightly unsafe for work. I never bothered to learn how to play sudoku, but you don't really need to know how to play it with this version anyway...
http://www.efukt.com/20476_She_Shits_Bigger_Than_John_Candy.html - The site is NOT safe for work, but the video is... Kinda... Amazing, just amazing...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBEKM5kxL5s - It's ALIVE!!!!
rally_car_driver_is_very_lucky_to_be_alive.wmv - Lucky...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-3-6-09 - Misc pics - one isn't safe for work...
http://www.normalbobsmith.com/findjesus/ - Bit easier than Where's Wally...
office_staff_rules.pps - Slightly unsafe for work...
the_worst_laugh_in_the_world.wmv - Sounds like a cat being strangled...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1189987/MTV-Movie-Awards-Eminem-Sacha-Baron-Cohens-bare-prank.html - Heh :)
http://www.inquisitr.com/24926/bruno-gives-some-cheek-to-eminem-at-the-mtv-movie-awards/ - Looks like a noice view...
suicide_jumper_receives_assist_from_bridge.wmv - Morons x 2
how_they_say_12_months_in_estonia.wmv - Too bad "cocks taste good" doesn't translate back to "12 months" - http://translate.google.com/translate_t#en|et|Cocks%20taste%20good
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTd4eXQUDkU - Awww... Poor diddums... He doesn't sound happy! Use headphones at work.
http://waxy.org/2009/05/memescenery/ - Very cool. I got 9...
http://batteriesfeelincluded.blogspot.com/2009/05/309.html - Yep, that should do it...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k98bRUOb4g - I feel gay after watching this...
http://www.abc.net.au/tv/gruentransfer/stories/s2562653.htm - Was remembering this (ye olde classique from the early 90s) ad earlier today whilst having to deal with err... work people... Ken Bruce has gone mad Ken Bruce has gone mad Ken Bruce has gone mad Ken Bruce has gone mad....
http://matadornights.com/inside-japans-freaky-themed-bath-houses-and-bars-nsfw/ - Sexual Harassment Office!? A little bit unsafe for work.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/8071865.stm - Yet another Jesus sighting... Look out eBay!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52gcC3Sn-Gw - Guitar Hero for the C64 part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyCMM6e1Lbo - Guitar Hero for the C64 - I shit you not.
electricity-indian-train-graphic.wmv - VERY GRAPHIC! - do not watch, and stop sending it to me!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqHrCLt3Geo - I remember seeing this a while back... It looks pretty fast, but not as nearly as fast as what the audio would lead you believe. And he's not really overtaking traffic that quick either - probably about 30 or 40km/h quicker if that?
no_asians.wmv - No (almost) homophones!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_MaJDK3VNE - Heh...
http://alt.coxnewsweb.com/ajc/swf/blueangels/blueangels.swf - Looks like fun...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-28-5-09 - Misc pics - Some are NOT safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/tacky-xmas-cards - Just in time for xmas in July...
asombrosas2.pps - Misc pics...
breast_beer_opener_in_the_world.wmv - Awesome...
first_aider_helps_fallen_man.wmv - Blimey!
cement_bag_weightlifting.wmv - Cement Bag Weightlifting
exhibitionist-monkeys.wmv - Exhibitionist Monkeys
dancing_kid_got_the_moves.wmv - WTF? He's spanking himself!? Maybe that's how his parents punish him...
http://franksemails.com/pics/shotgun-foot - Uh... Bit gross... Open it if you're in the middle of feeding your face and you need to lose weight...
http://maybeyoushouldntbuythat.com/ - Nice foosball table...
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/773564/best_office_prank_ever/ - Heh...
http://www.myhorriblesecret.com/ - Heh...
http://www.samsung.com/au/samsungu900/game/ - Fun for a minute or two...
http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/hara/fly.swf - Fun for a minute...
http://jalopnik.com/5270242/baddest-citroen-2cv-ever-sports-ferrari-f355-guts - Fugly cars those old citroens, but nice work...
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20090321 - He's a snorer!
http://www.clarewerbeloff.com/ - Well, I'm kinda glad that someone else is profiting off this moron's stupidity. Doing a whois on this site reveals that it's not hers. Like she'd have the brain capacity to set one up anyway.
http://franksemails.com/pics/guess-who - Guess who?
watch_your_step.wmv - Oops...
big_balls_can_be_painful.wmv - Big balls...
http://franksemails.com/pics/needs-a-bit-of-a-clean - I need a shower after looking at these...
massagista.wmv - Poor guy...
engine_additive_ad.wmv - Someone needs to make "work ya bastard" for PCs...
blonde_stuck_in_shop.wmv - Closed.
whyemailwasinvented.wmv - Why dogs are awesome...
http://franksemails.com/pics/office-pranks - I did one of these once years ago... The 'victim' didn't see the funny side.
http://franksemails.com/pics/military-motivators - Motivational pics
http://franksemails.com/pics/how-to-paint-your-house - How not to paint your house...
http://www.iwood3b.com/ - For those who have the stupid "I only use my mobile phone to make phone calls" attitude. Don't worry, you'll be browsing pr0n with it soon enough.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_udqEp_YR4 - Mmm.... Delicious...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIWf_hc1_TM - Mmm.... Delicious...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dna0oWu_EU - Mmm.... Delicious...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-22-5-09 - Misc pics
http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1579920046?bctid=23069425001 - 2 Girls 1 Sub. Little bit of discretion required...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC4frcXimz4 - And the D-gen... Champagne comedy!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP1Y-tIJ370 - Ahhh fond memories of this show...
http://www.justbcoz.co.za/headspace/2009/05/18/round-and-round-we-go/ - Heh :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-21-5-09 - I need a magic wellness stick to make everyone feel better at work...
god-diverted-to-voicemail.wmv - God gets diverted to voicemail...
http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/how_to/4318067.html?page=1 - I'm needing a new desk actually...
http://www.amazon.com/The-Mountain-Three-Wolf-T-Shirt/dp/B000NZW3K2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1242791533&sr=8-1 - "Dual Function Design" - best product review for anything. Ever.
egyptian-invention-easy-parking.wmv - Putting the spare tyre to good use...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z19zFlPah-o - Kinda like bike boy from Hey Hey it's Saturday about 15 or so years ago, but better...
misc-face-plants.wmv - Ouch... The last one's just strange... the reporter was saying that the throttle was stuck... what i wanna know is why is that microphone's still working...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43sbtkQM6zc - If only I knew this, I wouldn't have sucked so much at Drama class back in school...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZM4Hkw5CPk - Ok, another youtube clip, but this time something different...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_kbOQIg4sM - Man they just get better and better...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as5KLmbLUjI - Gold!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h-ZqcPl7rI - Dogs rule!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/maciejdakowicz/sets/1391696/show/with/3215139715/ - More photos for the UK to take pride in...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1182373 - Seems to me that Cardiff's lack of rubbish bins is the bigger issue. At least it seems that people try to do the right thing in their drunken state...
tvshowknowyourboyfriend.wmv - NOT safe for work.
high_kick_girl.wmv - Noice!
t-72.pps - Haven't seen this one before though...
javelinlivefirevst72.mpg - Javelin Vs T72 Tank - ye oldie, but ye goodie...
http://dizzythinks.net/2009/05/pirate-bay-founders-invent-ddo-attack.html - Heh :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHNJmWbvsL0 - Heh :)
http://wonkette.com/407744/nyt-headlines-used-to-be-uh-livelier - Heh :)
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/184618/what-is-the-best-comment-in-source-code-you-have-ever-encountered - "// drunk, fix later" - Been there, done that... Mind you, that RichardIsAnEffingIdiotControl class is not a good idea - that classname (and the method names in there) could end up in the UI in a stack trace for a client to see if an exception isn't handled (provided errors are enabled on the server - which could happen in a test environment - great for UAT), never mind the fact that the exception thrown in one of the methods is called RichardIsAEffingIdiotException with that nasty comment to go with it. Good way to lose your job.
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/814142/Polish-priest-sex-guide-a-big-hit - More like "Sex as I don't know it"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiVcnJ5iLqs - David Holmes - Rapping flight attendant.
http://crazyhorse.com/games/snatch/game.html - (Not safe for work) - Match the snatch!
the_farmers_3_daughters.wmv - Heh :)
i_bet_that_hurt.wmv - Ouch...
chocolate_surprise.wmv - Chocolate Surprise! (not safe for work)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-15-5-09 - Misc pics - a few not safe for work
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/technology/813549/cocaine-found-in-air-of-spanish-cities - I'm moving to Spain...
http://www.bigstupididiot.com/2009/05/10-pictures-of-what-that-girl-youre.html - Not really safe for work...or your vision for that matter...
http://xkcd.com/583/ - :)
http://www.sfweekly.com/slideshow/view/8331293/1 - Masturbating chamption?! That's quite a title...
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080713 - Clever lad...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jkrn6ecxthM - Nerd battle.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJsQcnB6GC0 - ...Here's another. Almost as good.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4 - You've probably seen this one already...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgMJHRx-S6o - If you laugh, you're racist. Lyrics are in the info section - you're gonna need them.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111552/ - Gotta love this comment - "THIS IS THE PLAN 9 OF MARTIAL ARTS MOVIES!!" Think I might have to buy this film...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NI6iu7e91Y - Best. Fight. Scene. Ever.
u.s.paratroopers_kite_formation.wmv - The "give the enemy a chance" formation...
washerwoman.wmv - Not safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-pics-12-5-09 - Motivational pics...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvqSaQ1yijs - :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_HyS94O2h0 - :)
http://www.malhanga.com/videosflash/ - Cruelty to morons (and a dog). Ridiculous.
why_dads_buy_wiis.wmv - Sounds like a bit of a smoker's laugh there...
motorbike-from-behind.wmv - Got him!
grounding-wire-nutcracker.wmv - Ouch...
http://franksemails.com/pics/cherry-blossom-time-in-japan - Japan doesn't only do just crazy TV shows and bukkake...
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/05/06/car_prang_secretary/ - Ouch...
http://www.someoneoncetoldme.com/gallery/18042009 - Correct!

Archived stuff:

Click the dates below to access older stuff...

31/12/07 - 9/6/08
17/7/07 - 31/12/07
1/1/07 - 17/7/07
26/8/06 - 31/12/06
23/2/06 - 25/8/06
6/6/06 - 23/2/06
22/2/06 - epoch.

You can send stuff to me here:
send me pr0n!
If i like it and it's not too old or it's an "oldie, but a goodie", i'll put it up. And no, I don't normally give credit.

Links to sites that i regularly visit:

The Best Page in the Universe
Captain Capitalism
Bestest hacking site in teh internet
Anti-idiotarians click here!
Good 'ol beer buddies...
Uncle Jay Explains the news! (youtube site)
Pat Condell (youtube site)
Snopes.com - read this before you send out  stupid chain mail

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