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Archive 10/5/2009

http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-8-5-09 - misc pics
http://lolokaust.com/ - Extremely deranged and offensive. Don't open at work.
http://bumbarbastards.com/ - And here's their site...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNShz_Txi0I - Fantastic!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8034884.stm - Was kinda hoping that Australia would become the next Saudi Arabia with our $5 note solar panels... Guess not...
http://franksemails.com/pics/recycled-toilet-paper - Noice...
http://www.snopes.com/photos/airplane/etihad.asp - Heh... Maybe I should've removed the text from the etihad crash document before posting it. Kinda smelt like a bullshit story with the populist anti-Muslim sentiment anyway... Thanks Woz! Even still - Aircraft 0 - Wall 1.
etihad-crash.doc - Aircraft 0 - Wall 1.
opticaltrickonthelady.wmv - Yet another one of those colour optical tricks...
best_stretcher.wmv - Best!
best_sport_doctor.wmv - Best!
best_skier.wmv - Best!
best_fireman.wmv - Best!
best_cyclist.wmv - Best!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdXo-jU-IBI - "Skynet sent it back in time to turn every tree into a toothpick in less than 15 seconds. Hasta la vista, hippies." - Heh...
new-speed-cameras.doc - Some more speed cameras for Melbourne. Yay. At least they look easy enough to damage...
http://franksemails.com/pics/mics-pics-5-5-09 - NOT safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/balls-up-in-south-africa - Goal!
evil_cell_phone.wmv - Hello ma baby, hello ma honey, hello ma rag time gal...
the_swine_flu_calypso.wmv - The Swine Flu Calypso - didn't get a word...
irish_find_electrifying_method_to_prevent_spread_of_swine_flu.wmv - Heh...
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2009/05/one-way-to-solve-housing-crash.html - Such a waste...
http://crisisofcredit.com/ - Nice looking presentation...
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-bikinis - Not safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/cute-baby-hedgehog - Awww...
golden-shower.wmv - Kinky!
skeleton_man.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie...
http://franksemails.com/pics/explain-this-image - Please explain?
http://franksemails.com/pics/swine-flu-ground-zero - Posting this again with more that are floating around...
play-dead-baillie_1.wmv - Dogs are awesome...
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/178162/most_dangerous_comic/ - At what point do he think "hmmm... This trick would be a lot more fun if i did it with a scorpion down my pants"?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q_RXCgtKIg - Oldie, but made funnier with the text at the end of the clip :)
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/30472366#30472366 - One of my pet hates is assholes who sit in the right lane (equivalent to the left lane for those countries that drive on the wrong side of the road) on the freeway, driving 20km/h under the limit and you have to pass them on the inside only to realise - "Oh sorry, you were texting, that's why you're holding up traffic! That's ok then!"
http://www.inquisitr.com/22760/new-from-japan-breast-bowling/ - Japan - inventors of all things awesome...
http://franksemails.com/pics/surfer-photographer-clark-little - Surf pics
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht96HJ01SE4 - Fantastic!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iROYzrm5SBM - Timmy is a Commie!
http://franksemails.com/pics/strong-excavator - According to the email - "This tower was specifically built to show off the physical power of the excavator."
golf_show.pps - Golf propaganda...
mosquito-tabasco.wmv - My new hobby...
http://franksemails.com/pics/good-parenting - I guess it takes skill...
http://franksemails.com/pics/swine-flu-ground-zero - How it started...
http://franksemails.com/pics/uk-church-signs - Church signs
http://depletedcranium.com/?p=2432 - Such a panic it must've caused - check out the 2nd video.
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-29-4-09 - misc pics. One isn't safe for work.
http://flashfabrica.com/f_learning/brain/brain.html - The higher the number the better, right? I hate this game. (Click start, wait for the counter, it'll show you some numbers, then click the positions of the numbers from lowest to highest. Once the test is done, it'll show you the age of your memory)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV7SXmHq0Bk - I know what the apology letter should read...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIOsIbqpR5s - Very cool...
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080825 - Fail!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1173402/First-Google-alphabet-formed-using-satellite-images.html - The "Victorian alphabet"...
http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/2550612.htm - This is pretty cool - if it works, Australia will become the next Saudi Arabia. Now all I need to do is cover my house in $5 bills...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrly-mqEOss - Arnie knows the awesomeness of Japanese TV...
lottery-winner.wmv - :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/body-hair-styling - Wrong.
http://franksemails.com/pics/wonderful-childrens-books - Poor Spot :(
breathalyzer-drink.avi - Might have to try this the next time I'm pulled over...
http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE53L51C20090422 - Bullet proof bra?
http://www.thesneeze.com/mt-archives/000344.php - Ugh...
http://www.ottawacitizen.com/travel/news/Come+Alberta+wait+Britain/1526185/story.html - Naaahhh... I don't think anyone will notice...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yaw7qX_ZDNE - Actually, that's quite a cool device... I need one of those...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/806288/bull-goes-on-rampage-in-supermarket - Fresh is best at SuperValu!
http://www.givevaccines.org/ - Good time waster...
what_every_man_wants_in_bed.wmv - Automatically stash your pr0n under your bed...
the_worst_ever.wmv - Who the hell films a funeral anyway?
nutter_nuts_nuts.wmv - Latest personal training technique...
i_know_my_rights.wmv - He knows his rights...
hyundai-helps-those-in-need.wmv - "Hunday"? Is that supposed to be a new day of the week?
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/805323/woman-sues-wedding-guest-from-hell/?rss=yes - Oh dear...
http://franksemails.com/pics/birds-vs-planes - Ouch...
http://franksemails.com/pics/we-can-see-you - Noice... (Not safe for work)
http://franksemails.com/pics/defence-lion - Defence Lion! Perhaps an alarm would've been a better idea... Poor thing...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-22-4-09 - Motivational Pics...
jumbo.wmv - This video will change your life.
http://xkcd.com/571/ - Ahhh... It takes a programmer to see the funny in this one :) Very good :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J16dyV4Du8 - Recession's hitting pretty hard here...
connor_simpson_-_cairns_post.pdf - Bogans...
go_on_tell_her.wmv - Bit long this one...
mustmovieforeverygrandfather.wmv - Awww...
nice-driveway.wmv - What worth more - the cars, or the house?
http://franksemails.com/pics/chalk-dude - More chalk dude pics...
http://franksemails.com/pics/in-your-hands-tourist-photos - Clever...
http://franksemails.com/pics/canned-foods - Mmmm..... Fish assholes...
http://franksemails.com/pics/white-gold-merc - Don't worry, the emirs are doing ok this recession...
sms-vs-morse.wmv - Maybe someone can write an iPhone app to send morse...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/scie - He looks like he could vacuum my floor!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ne - Fantastic - judging from the comments, doesn't seem that UK citizens have much respect for their boys in blue...
http://www.tangle.com/view_video.php?viewkey=97759aa27a0c99bff671 - Sir Mix-a-Lot should sue...
http://thechive.com/2009/04/if-rednecks-ruled-the-world-part-ii-23-photos/ - Never realised Walmart was such a classy place to be seen in...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postsm733_Crazy-Kangaroo.aspx - Definitely got a screw loose this bloke...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq7uA_clzI8 - Owww... A witch scorned... I'd be shaking in my boots...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gHvATmUsSg - "FW: the current pride of Britain"
http://www.rattlebox.com/pickup/520284/rb060de6b5ec5.html - Heh!
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-17-4-09 - Misc pics for Friday. One of which isn't safe for work...
http://xkcd.com/570/ - This is why I don't run those kind of ads on my site. No one would ever want it anyway...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k - Heh...
thefrontfelloff.wmv - Oldie, but a goodie...
sophie-doll.wmv - NOT safe for work.
the_flying_harley.wmv - The Flying Harley
f18cablebreak.wmv - Nice skipping rope...
the_fab--fabia_cerra.wmv - Here's another surprise...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY - Saw this on the tele the other day (as well as having it emailed to me) and nope, no I didn't...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivation-15-4-09 - Motivational Posters...
too-small.mpg - NSFW - Yes, yes they are...
shii.wmv - Wii for the ladies...
japanese-stamping.asf - More proof that Japan is awesome...
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/14/automobiles/autoshow/14auto.html?_r=2&ref=business - Latest conspiracy theory - GM was responsible for the death of American soldiers in Iraq
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst521_Mythbusters-Rocket-car-pancake.aspx - Man that is FAST!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri - Good ol' wikipedia...
http://franksemails.com/pics/japans-kanamara-matsuri-festival--festival-of-the-steel-phallus - Japan is awesome...
catholic_girls_worst_nightmare.wmv - Heh...
big_easter_surprise.wmv - Easter bunny gets some pussy...
http://forum.franksemails.com/yaf_postst518_How-to-kill-a-chocolate-bunny.aspx - Sick bastards!
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=514 - Right. Now ffhuck off...
http://franksemails.com/pics/merry-easter - (NOT safe for work) That's it for this week - Friday's a public holiday, as is Monday. Enjoy your Easter, and I'll C U Next Tuesday!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2FX9rviEhw - Thought this was lame when it was sent to me several times a week or so ago, but it's so popular that it appeared on the evening news. What's wrong with people!?
http://franksemails.com/pics/effects-of-global-warming - Actually, it's called climate change these days, I keep forgetting...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HplZ_taHXLM - Go this about a week or so ago, thought it was a bit average. Woke up a couple of mornings ago with this stuck in my head, so I thought maybe you'd like to watch it too...
http://franksemails.com/pics/tattoo-boob-implants - Noice!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1168213/Barack-Barbarian-takes-scantily-clad-nemesis-Sarah-Palin-new-comic-superhero-role.html - WTF is coming out of Palin's front bum!? She should get that checked...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1168188/The-moment-Google-car-filmed-pulled-police-driving-bus-lane.html - Bastard cops!
http://franksemails.com/pics/cadburys-nestle-merger - How dare they! Bastards!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/science/sciencenews/5118283/Bacon-sandwich-really-does-cure-a-hangover.html - One thing I never understood whilst I was in the UK last year, is that they keep forgetting to put the egg in an egg and bacon sandwich. Pommy bastards!
http://franksemails.com/pics/cool-pics-9-4-09 - Uh... Bastards!
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080917 - Cruel bastards!
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080919 - Careless bastards!
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&m=697 - Dodgy bastards!
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1906578 - Cheap bastards!
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20090304 - Good guess!
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-7-4-09 - HALT! Hammerzeit! BAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
toiletsoftheworld.pps - Toilets...
carry-onbaggage.mpg - They need to make it sharper...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpsfDTbzKwM - Impressive...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhb89V43KWc - Pwned, or pwn came from own, but miskeyed. Just like pwsome - as in pwsome.com
scottishteenagercumsofage.wmv - Poor kid...
flexibility_of_word_usage.mp3 - Use headphones at work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/fails-6-4-09 - Misc fails
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-6-4-09 - Misc Pics - some aren't safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-6-4-09 - Hey! I drive a skyline, and it wasn't the bow that I noticed first, asshole...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1166722/Angry-villagers-form-human-chain-stop-Google-Street-View-filming.html - Determined rich villiage idiots with nothing better to do but complain make a stand!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiLoANg6nNY - Surely not! Well, probably not, given that it's an ad...
http://www.elfattack.com/ - Something else I found whilst i've been going through all my unread email - this one from mid December...
http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/03/20/ge-uses-digital-hologram-to-advertize-windmills/ - Here's another version of it by GE.
http://hackaday.com/2008/11/19/augmented-reality-in-flash/ - Augmented reality - pretty cool, and you can try it yourself.
http://www.roombuddies.com/blog/2008/12/best-pranks-to-play-on-your-house-mate-2008/ - Misc pranks which I still haven't looked at yet (even though it's been in my mailbox since early December last year)...
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1893221 - Took me about all of year 11 at high school to learn how to do one of those pen tricks...
http://franksemails.com/pics/google-street-view-car-hits-deer - Nice work Google...
http://www.mmm-boogrrs.com/comics/2008/186TheBreakUp.htm - Noice!
cool_tree_trimmer.wmv - Cool Tree Trimmer
sexy_girl_flashes_her_pink_bits.wmv - Noice...
split_hairs.wmv - Idiot...
mountain_bikers---tree_huggers.wmv - Ouch...
mens_version_of_the_antique_road_show.wmv - Actually, the antique roadshow is one of my favourite shows :)
taxi_stop.wmv - Nice trick...
floater.wmv - Useful deterrent...
australia_funny_tv_ad.wmv - Yep, we're all psychos down under...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qia5MEy0__A - He does a good robot...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1165894 - Twitchhiker? I wonder if there's a twitchhiker's guide...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_B5UrI7nAI - Neither do I...
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&m=687 - Heh :)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/5082866/Men-spend-more-time-gossiping-than-women-poll-finds.html - 'Tis true... Work gossip is awesome :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-2-4-09 - Misc pics
wrong_biker.wmv - Wrong biker...
toytrike-jump.wmv - Nice jump...
fighter-over-harbor.wmv - Wow!
awesome_gun_commercial.wmv - Free rock!
tequila-adverstisment.wmv - Tequila!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbJgaSJ6cM4 - Misc bloopers...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOYnOeo42ko - :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYVjfs6NlIg - Fushing!
http://rathergood.com/demon2 - Awesome bukkake scene in this one...
http://rathergood.com/demon - Cake? :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWm0zOUDITo - Funny guy...
mexican_ambulance.avi - Whoops...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQpu9UoXCeM - He's a lover, not a fighter...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCoqsVDVWN8 - I'm sure a lot of acid went into the production of this. Pretty cool though...
http://www.break.com/index/hilariously-weird-tug-of-war.html - More Jap TV game show awesomeness...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYokLWfqbaU - Ebay by Weird Al...
http://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/cadie/index.html - And if it were real, an AI blog based on what it learns from teh innertoobs wouldn't be too far off CADIE's...
http://www.google.com.au/intl/en/gball/ - Heh :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBJQ5085kSo - This might make for a good April Fools' day prank. Never realised the Macbook had a motion sensor in it...
http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,27574,25273483-2862,00.html - "when the contract expires" - Heh :)
----------Heh... Just kidding - As if i'd get 6 figures for this site. APRIL FOOLS!!!111. Bet you didn't see that coming :)
----------Just been given a huge offer for this website. 6 figures! More news to follow...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-31-3-09 - Misc pics...
bodypaint-pics.pps - Noice. Not safe for work.
skimmer_presentation_v1_230109.pdf - This has been happening around Melbourne lately (so the media tells us) - useful to know.
http://www.aust.keanewzealand.com/ - Meh... Kiwis... What would they know...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGj-KkjwXJY - Quite the talent...
topcricketsledges.pdf - For the cricket fans...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3yGCE8Tfp4 - UROClub - This is real?
http://vimeo.com/3757117 - Pretty cheap!
http://franksemails.com/pics/trillion-dollars - One Trillion Dollars - just to add a bit of perspective to what Obama's generosity looks like...
http://franksemails.com/pics/raincoat - Reposting this from yesterday with an extra picture... It makes it just that little bit extra special :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/smile - Classy chick...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/792598/man-arrested-after-deathbed-confession/?rss=yes - Ha-ha!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/newsbeat/newsid_7961000/7961224.stm - Teehee :)
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1164705/BMW-left-teetering-100ft-cliff-edge-sat-nav-directs-driver-steep-footpath.html - This article should have this heading instead - "Psychotic GPS almost leads a man off the edge of a cliff". Looks like the machines are about to lead humanity to its doom...
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080913 - Yep, it's that funny...
http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/flyer.do?personId=57147 - Wow. Looks like that speeding motorcyclist moron's crime (from yesterday) isn't only being a moron on a bike. Sick bastard.
speeding_squid_owns_himself.wmv - Make sure you watch the whole thing - it's well worth it.
http://franksemails.com/pics/the-20-worst-haircuts-on-the-internet - Heh...
http://franksemails.com/pics/raincoat - Argh! My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
http://franksemails.com/pics/not-ready-for-permanent-display - Oops...
http://franksemails.com/pics/nice-foods - Yum...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-posters-25-3-09 - Motivational posters
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-25-3-09 - Misc pics - some aren't safe for work
http://franksemails.com/pics/fail-pics-25-3-09 - Fail pics
http://franksemails.com/pics/canadian-billboards - I've never been to Canada, but I'm sure that's where they're from...
http://franksemails.com/pics/bike-motivation-posters - Motorbike motivational posters...
http://franksemails.com/pics/awesome-food - Mmmm.... Baconnaise...
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/1121083gas2.html - Deliberately passed gas? That's quite a talent - this kid should be encouraged, not punished!
toot_tone.wmv - Toot tone
see_no_evil.wmv - WTF!???!?!?
nfl-pick_me_1.wmv - Pick them...
member_of_irish_travelling_community_makes_his_mark.wmv - Yuck.
car_shooting.wmv - Blimey!
trucks_vs_bridge.wmv - Tough bridge...
http://www.geekarmy.com/funny-pictures/268/Best-Buy-Boy/ - How embarrassment...
----------Whoops... almost forgot to put something up for today. Lucky there's still 15 mins before midnight...
http://www.milaadesign.com/bigred.html - Heh...
http://www.entertonement.com/clips/70408/Woman-Calls-Cops-on-Burger-King - My guess is that the US financial system is down the toilet because of people like this moron...
http://www.koreus.com/video/grece-radio-feu.html - Such commitment...
http://franksemails.com/pics/craigs-posters-around-melbourne - Looks like someone's got a bit of spare time on their hands...
incredible_motorcycle_crash.wmv - Ouch...
base_jump_gone_wrong.wmv - Ouch...
idiot_crashes_motorcycle.wmv - Moron...
bmx--fail-20090319.wmv - Good aim...
http://franksemails.com/pics/truth-telling-t-shirts - If t-shirts told the truth...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-20-3-09 - Misc pics - some are NOT safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/cat5 - What to do with all that Cat5 cable
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ - Poor dog. Don't understand one thing though - why get a snake catcher when all you need is a shovel to cut the damn thing's head off and a knife to slice the fracker to get back your dog?
http://www.grcade.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2217 - Quite a freaky place to visit...
http://bbandbjday.com - Happy BB&BJ day!
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/glance/785747/man-replaces-finger-with-usb-stick - Full points for freakiness, but only 2 gig!?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQbxM8UTqb4 - Classy...
http://xkcd.com/557/ - I usually have the one where you're in the exam room and don't know any of the answers about once or twice a year...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5vQ815iFao - "This is the full club version being played around the world at the moment, Perth, Ibiza, London, Hollywood, Melb, Bris, Sydney." - Fantastic!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA - Beached Iz Bro!
sailor_gets_severe_headache_at_sea.wmv - Ouch...
how_not_to_leave_a_boat.wmv - How Not To Leave A Boat
william_tell_will_yell.wmv - Future Darwin awards contender...
hudson-landing-animation.wmv - Haven't verified the accuracy of this animation, but it is amazing to watch.
http://franksemails.com/pics/dont_wear_a_ring_when_bowling - Ouch. Not for those with a weak stomach...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYZSnMdn1LU - Blimey!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEe8Vno9RUk - Quite un-PC...
the_spirits_of_st._patricks_day.wmv - Happy St Patrick's day everybody!
http://franksemails.com/pics/ikea-buys-out-gm - IKEA buys out GM
store_clerk.wmv - Good work...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr9_5uZn6ds - Heh...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7937557.stm - Frack!
http://www.maniacworld.com/OctoMom-Giving-Birth.html - Pisser...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9YIhw_ov_g - Kinda catchy... bit unsafe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/kittens-are-cute - Until they become cats...
painful_mountain_bike_rides.wmv - My favourite sound - *THUD*!
jet_ski_stunt_fail.wmv - Ouch...
http://franksemails.com/pics/grass-is-not-so-green - Grass is not so green on the other side of the fence after all...
dressing_room_prank.wmv - Not that funny, but who cares...
dont_be_naughty_in_singapore.wmv - Probably a bit too kinky methinks...
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&m=655 - Useful time waster...
extreme_mountain_ski_accident.wmv - Ouch...
insane_pain.wmv - Ouch...
be_careful_what_you_wish_for.wmv - "The last one inside is gay!"
pavarotinocircofilme.wmv - You could bounce him like a basketball...
reverse_bungee_jump.wmv - Reverse Bungee Jump
catch_the_moment.pps - Meh...
time_machine_for_sale_-_trademe_co_nz__-_new_zealand.pdf - Heh...
terje-extreme-snowboarding.wmv - Would be nice to know what his top speed was...
weed-house-fire.wmv - :)
beer_pong.wmv - Hope they don't waste the beer...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxX0DKE3oqw&NR=1 - Battlestar Galactica vs. Star Wars
http://hackaday.com/2009/03/09/24-solid-state-drives-in-raid/ - Fast!
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivation-posters-10-3-09 - Motivational Posters
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-10-3-09 - Misc pics
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1159324/Motorist-pulled-quizzed--LAUGHING-hard-wheel.html - "Motorist pulled over and quizzed... for LAUGHING at the wheel"
beer_bottle_dominos.wmv - Would've loved to have helped prepare (drink) for this...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moomba - Today's Labour day public holiday in Victoria, so no updates.
http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/e34ed3fcba/star-wars-retold-by-someone-thats-never-seen-it-from-joenick - Quick recap of the original Star Wars trilogy...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQPESY-pndw&NR=1 - This guy can whack me off any day!
http://www.cshomeinspections.com/ - :)
http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1902812 - Sucked in big time...
2137-machos.wmv - Girls...
http://franksemails.com/pics/hospitals-restaurant - People choose to eat hospital food!?
http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/d8583d6ca6/guys-cabinet-door-sounds-exactly-like-chewbacca - This cabinet should NEVER be oiled.
http://www.sayagain.co.uk/b3tapix/images/dwarfcoke_big.gif - Who the hell thinks this shit up? :)
brunos-art-marysville-victoria.pps - Never knew this existed. Would've been nice to have seen them before the bushfire destroyed it all. Currently the bushfires are still burning, and it was expected to get really bad on Tuesday and Wednesday - thank God it didn't.
cougar-barbie.wmv - Cougar Barbie
http://gigapan.org/viewGigapanFullscreen.php?auth=033ef14483ee899496648c2b4b06233c - Interesting - "This is a photo from the 2009 Inauguration, In which you can see IN FOCUS The face of each individual in the crowd!!! You can scan, double click and zoom to any section of the crowd. . . wait a few seconds. . . and the focus adjusts. The picture was taken with a robotic camera at 1,474 megapixel. (295 times the standard 5 megapixel camera)"
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/32966_The_Day_of_the_Square - Happy square root day everybody! -- Just realised that it's the 4th down under - duh!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMhrSwatSiE - Freaky...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZjY3IIoPc8 - Cool party trick...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NShgvtEro7I - Potty mouth!
http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2009/01/most-awesome-text-message-ever.html - Heh :)
dentistinindiamuzo.wmv - Hygienic!
clinicadental.pps - Ouch!
thats_just_gotta_hurt.wmv - Ouch!
acrobatic_throw_in.wmv - Best throw-in ever!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdH1ZEbnIms - Good point...
so_you_think_youve_seen_a_pig.pps - BIG PIG
pregnancy_test.wmv - Cute couple...
audi_rs6.pps - Or... 2 x RS3s... Lucky guy...
museodecera.wmv - pwned!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGx-3t8CJ-k - And to think I was about to throw mine away...
http://www.lolclits.com - Yuck. NOT safe for work.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Wd-Q3F8KM - When I'm alone I **** myself! AAAhahaahahahaHAHAAH! :)
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=451 - In case you were wondering...
brickies_labourer_in_bangladesh.wmv - Skill!
cameraman_vs_ronaldo.wmv - Cameraman vs Ronaldo
fails_-_20090223_093844.wmv - Fail
nfl-pick_me.wmv - Pick me!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BgjH_CtIA - Poor dog...
http://youshouldhaveseenthis.com/ - Haven't been through the list yet, but I know i've 'experienced' the nsfw links...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-26-2-09 - Misc pics
http://franksemails.com/pics/gravity-defying-german-performance-artist-johan-lorbeer - Johan Lorbeer
neverraiseaparrotwithababy.wmv - How to have a screaming baby around even after it's grown up...
reporter_gets_his_huge_snake_out.wmv - He's got a big snake...
sexcited_snake_bites_model_during_bikini_shoot.wmv - Fast forward to 2:00... the rest is boring...
chinese_recall.wmv - Oops...
how-to-open-a-wine-bottle.avi - Clever...
endofcivilzation.wmv - Probably would've been better if this were true...
what_a_wonderful_world.wmv - :)
tyreprank.wmv - Stupid, but bloody funny :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-25-2-09 - 111 misc pics... Some of which aren't safe for work...
base_jumping_in_wing_suits.wmv - Awesome!
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/755767/boy-killed-by-exploding-office-chair - Ouch...
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&m=612 - Ha!
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&m=611 - Ha!
http://www.vimeo.com/2998698 - A quick (1/2 hour) recap of all 6 seasons of The Sopranos... Use headphones at work...
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4218332714938119525 - Proof that funny is inversely proportional to PC...
http://www.m2film.dk/fleggaard/index.php?film=2 - My kind of advertising... NOT safe for work...
http://www.drublair.com/comersus/store/tica.asp - Hard to believe it's a painting...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev-opyE2AeU - Awwww....
http://www.somethingawful.com/d/photoshop-phriday/rejected-software.php?page=1 - Useful software...
http://franksemails.com/pics/who-is-the-best-mother - Who is the best mother?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEjMZunHIZ0 - GBFMYC!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PzWu_UAcXs - :)
train_vs_car.wmv - Train!
toilet_seat_prank.wmv - She screams like a girl!
n96_bruce-lee.wmv - Bruce Lee!
ikea_commercial_not_seen_in_us.mpg - That's where he cut out a shag hole...
monkey-willy.wmv - Rude!
worldairtraffic0-24h.wmv - This is pretty cool. Best viewed if you right click the video and play it full screen.
----------Been informed that it's actually 'fat chav', not 'fat chau'... Makes better sense now. Thanks Ian and Islander.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1147686/Pictured-The-man-worlds-longest-ear-hair.html - Yuck.
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ampc_facebook-nightmare_fun - Well, I was sorta feeling sorry for him, but then I read this.
pool_jump_miss.wmv - No, don't rescue him, keep filming!
fat-chau.pdf - Fat Chau or fat cow? Got a mate who's name's Chau, but he's not fat...
black_saturday_-_victorian_bushfires_2009.pps - More pics of the bushfires.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/4638304/Kissing-banned-at-railway-station.html - I suppose a rim job's out of the question?
http://www.7x7video.com/musicvideo.php?vid=4b6ec9d4b - Some pretty harsh pranks...
http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2008-10-24/new-clips-from-larry-flynts-paylin-outrage# - Noice!
near_miss_railway_level_crossing.wmv - Video of the article posted yesterday where the guy lost his shoe. Received this a few days back, but have got quite the backlog of emails and have fallen behind. Gotta get my priorities sorted...
new_bonnet_decal.wmv - Scratch 'n' sniff?
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2374398/my_sharona/ - Forced to dance in prison...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAtkoje4-eM - Interesting car door...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1144563 - Well, given that she can now probably type, she can access this awesome website.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfX08j69oZI - Bit of a potty mouth...
balloon_launch__fail_-_20090216_012626.wmv - Balloon launch FAIL! Pisser!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/mailonsunday/article-1145625/I-late-work-Level-crossing-jumper-shoes-sliced-66mph-train-tells-shocking-tale-video.html - Idiot.
http://www.aprilwinchell.com/2009/02/05/barack-obama-is-tired-of-your-motherfucking-shit/ - Buy your own damn fries! :)
----------Happy Valentine's day for tomorrow... Don't forget, March 20 is just around the corner! Can't wait!!!
http://franksemails.com/pics/thirsty-koalas-victorian-heatwave - Awwww...
pole_dance_-_20090210_100114.mpg - Pr0n star!
romanticmen_j.wmv - :)
love_me_tender_valentine_-_20090213_122954.wmv - Noice!
ann_summers_valentines_day_wood_ad.wmv - Noice!
prisoner_escape--_fail__-_20090213_014022.wmv - From the article posted on 30/1.
how_to_fail_a_sobriety_test.wmv - How to Fail a Sobriety Test
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMx0apsCT54 - HA!
http://www.somethingawful.com/404.html - Prettiest 404 page ever
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4 - "Jizz In My Pants" - Catchy...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-12-2-09 - Misc pics. Some not safe for work...
ouch_-_20090211_121202.wmv - Fixed this from yesterday. Thanks Russell!
elk_decoy_-_20090212_132636.wmv - Translation at the end: "I tapped that shit so hard I split it in half!"
female_driver_compilation.wmv - Annoying music...
forklift_driver_causes_huge_chain_reaction.wmv - Oops...
failed_ramp_jump.wmv - 3rd time's a charm...
bike_escape.wmv - Pretty quick for a bicycle...
speed_cooking_-_20090211_142619.wmv - Disgusting
angry-vodacom-customer.wav - Nice bloke... According to the email - "At the end in afrikaans he asks his wife to please go stay in the car..." Use headphones at work.
ouch_-_20090211_121202.wmv - Idiot
http://www.coles.com.au/about/news/documents/Coles%20donates%20profits%20to%20bushfire%20appeal.pdf - Coles also have been accepting donations at the register this week, which makes it easy to donate.
http://www.tu.tv/videos/la-caida-del-ano-ggs-wmv - No kids for you!
http://www.haspresidentobamabeenassassinatedyet.com/ - Keep checking this daily...
http://www.emmaclarke.com/fun/mind-the-gap/spoof-london-underground-announcements - Heh...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txqiwrbYGrs - David after dentist...
http://franksemails.com/pics/butt-cleaner - Gets into the hard to reach places...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/feb/08/parking-fine-high-court-damages - Ahhh... This warms my heart...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Victorian_bushfires - Our worst natural disaster in recorded history. Worse than Ash Wednesday. 48 degree heat (118.2 degrees F and 48.8 (119.84F) in northern Victoria) and strong winds has taken its toll.
banned_-_super_bowl_2009_mcdonalds_ad.wmv - Well, where else can you get Chicken McNuggets from? KFC?
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-9-2-09 - Misc pics... One isn't safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/striped-icebergs - Perty...
http://franksemails.com/pics/beach-bum-roo - Roo!
http://franksemails.com/pics/creative-ads - Creative ads
http://franksemails.com/pics/obama-action-figure - Change!
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-6-2-09 - "Sorry Bill, I'd rather kiss my new Boss"
shanghai_lady_drives_off_with_tow_truck.wmv - Shanghai Lady Drives Off With Tow Truck
scary_ride----cable_cars_caught_in_strong_winds.wmv - Fun!
hugedeadsnake.wmv - Guess it doesn't like its photo taken...
high_speed_tracked_amphibian.wmv - Useful for avoiding the Westgate parking lot in the morning...
bmw_find_spot_and_park_-_20090206_093335.wmv - How to make lazy drivers lazier...
http://www.bestrejectedadvertising.com/html/?page=tv&type=rejected&id=246 - Fantastic ad.... Too bad that Mars gave in to the PC nuts...
combolock.wmv - How to hack a combination lock with a severe lisp and a blocked nose...
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/741086/boys-caught-roasting-puppies - This is just disgusting. Thank God they were rescued in time.
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-5-2-09 - Misc pics...
allati_jo_kepek.pps - Misc pics...
themomsong.wmv - The most distressing video ever...
http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126945.300-how-to-control-your-herd-of-humans.html?DCMP=NLC-nletter&nsref=mg20126945.300 - ZOMFGLOLWTF??!!!111
http://franksemails.com/pics/cute-koala - Awwww....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z11B9L2awVA - Heh :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxCs8VSjI2Y - Bah! The 2600 could never do graphics as good as that...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=hC0twcvcAnY - Giant snowball
http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/new-arrivals/nothing/index.html - Heh...
small_plane_flips_on_landing.wmv - An endo gone too far...
crafty_shark_pretends_to_be_a_dolphin.wmv - Dolphin gets eaten by the shark but it's still alive in the shark's body and takes control. Then it gets abducted by aliens who confuse the shark/dolphin hybrid for a cow. But they ran out of video so you don't get to see that...
when_its_good_to_be_fat.wmv - When It's Good To Be Fat
http://www.hulu.com/superbowl/55719/super-bowl-xliii-ads-hulu-alec-in-huluwood - Superbowl ads for those who are interested...
http://franksemails.com/pics/fail-3-2-09 - Fail
http://franksemails.com/pics/most-relaxed-man-in-the-world - Most relaxed man in the world
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1131522/School-stages-lunchtime-pole-dancing-demonstration-pupils.html - A 'noice' school...
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/kubO7iioUOI4zvVeFQ - Devil spawn...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-2-2-09 - Misc pics...
human_japanese_slip_n_slide.wmv - Noice!
how_to_inflate_a_tyre.wmv - Fantastic!
news_-_20090115_002022.pdf - Heh...
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x80nw1_obama-president_news - Uh... NOT safe for work... kinda bizzare...
http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ - Mmm.... Cake....
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2009/01/today-is-forward-captain-day.html - Sorry Cap'n... Been a bit lazy keeping up with the blogs, but better late than never! :)
http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=news-reporter-owned-by-lizard - Heh...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mL_wmfW9Q0 - Funniest standup ever!
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-30-1-09 - Misc pics...
kamasutra1-yesterday-and-today.pps - Heh...
inflatable_launch_pad_-_20090127_092144.wmv - Inflatable Launch Pad
plumber_needed_-_20090130_093128.wmv - Good dunny for the drug addicts...
http://franksemails.com/pics/new_tourist_attraction_-_darwin - New Tourist Attraction - Darwin
http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/latest/5289030/man-shot-neighbour-avoids-charge - "Make my day" law?!? Only in America...
http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=kitten-jump-gone-wrong - Awwww... Cute kitty... THUD! :) (I like the comment 'LOLZ!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAA NOOB!')
http://www.theage.com.au/world/chain-of-fools-cuffed-escapees-run-in-with-pole-20090130-7tbp.html - BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUAUAHUAHUAUAUAHHAHHAAAAAAA!!!!!
http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~rjh/melbourne/ - My favourite Melbourne weather page... Right now it's bloody 42.4 degrees! (that's 108.32 for the American readers...)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-29-1-09 - Misc pics... One isn't safe for work...
yourealwaysonmymind.pps - Very sweet :)
lunch3_-_20090129_114957.wmv - Noice! Not safe for work.
jobmarket2009.wmv - US Exec jobs in 2009... Oldie, but just as relevant as ever...
flight1549.pps - More Airbus-in-the-Hudson-river stuff...
binocularfootball_1.wmv - I'm moving to Japan just for the game shows...
work_song_-_20090128_101219.wav - Peace!
drawing_-_20090128_111956.wmv - Noice...
virgin5_-_20090128_100714.pdf - "central cuboid of beige matter" - heh :)
copymachine_-_20090128_100904.wmv - Window licker...
neverunderestimateanoldgal-over90yo.wmv - Just as well it's not in high-def...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=a3w2xHOkhmY - And finally, '06...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=wV9wPyGnWxE - '07...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=FPGSs56lZEQ - And the one for '08...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=JzBG4k8aTus - For the benefit of those not living the glorious nation of Australia, here's the Sam Kekovich address to the nation leading up to Australia day yesterday...
http://franksemails.com/pics/hudson-river-airbus-lift - Pics from the lifting of the Airbus from the Hudson...
undercarriage_folds_on_landing_-_20090126_230239.wmv - Ouch...
durex_edit_final_9xda3yv.wmv - Awww... How cute...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1126862/Italian-Job-DONE-fan-resolves-40-year-old-cliffhanger-classic-movie.html - "Italian Job done as fan resolves 40-year-old cliffhanger of classic movie"
----------Monday's Australia day, which is a public holiday, so i'll C U N(ext) T(uesday)! :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-23-1-09 - What brought down the plane in the Hudson River and other misc pics...
australian_prison_visit_-_20090123_103117.wmv - Heh...
dolphin-bubble.wmv - Delicious!
http://www.drunkrepublic.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=97:when-your-credit-card-signature-fun-backfires&catid=34:humor&Itemid=60 - Might have to change my signature too...
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4ed_1232619792 - Part of Obama's promise to have the most transparent administration ever...
http://uploads.filecabin.com/flash/100_impressions_5_minutes.swf - 100 impressions in 5 minutes
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1126577/Spotted-The-dotty-dalmatian-whos-learnt-ride-bike.html - Dogs and Japanese TV shows - you cannot find a better combination.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170293840864&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:MOTORS:1123 - Interesting way to advertise an ugly car on eBay - (via http://jalopnik.com)
how_not_to_use_a_condom_-_20090122_091332.wmv - WTF?
how_not_to_fire_a_paintball_gun_-_20090122_091159.wmv - Pwned...
how_not_to_do_a_motorbike_burnout_-_20090122_091256.wmv - Pwned...
veet_-_20090122_115809.pdf - Bye Bush! (FYI - Veet is a hair removal cream)
davidletterman--10_reasons_why_we_will_miss_gwb.wmv - Bye Bush!
http://jalopnik.com/5135652/obamas-new-presidential-limo-the-features?skyline=true&s=i - Wow, Obama's limo is some seriously heavy duty piece of kit...
lift-fart.wmv - He should've put it on silent (but deadly)...
hunting_-_20090121_103107.mp3 - Use headphones at work...
how_to_use_a_shark_for_better_surfing.wmv - Shark surfing!
how_not_to_reverse_a_bulldozer.wmv - Oops...
how_not_to_help_recover_a_jeep.wmv - Oops...
sexy-pole-dancer.wmv - Pwned!
ben_cousins_-_20090120_170115.pps - Bit of history and prophecy for the Ben Cousins fans...
http://franksemails.com/pics/mics-pics-20-1-09 - Misc pics - bit unsafe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/crazy-tattoos - Crazy Tattoos
fun-wake-up-call.wmv - Refreshing!
how_not_to_break_a_world_record_-_20090120_094533.wmv - Idiot
how_not_to_pull_off_the_highway_-_20090120_094503.wmv - Idiot
how_not_to_be_caught_by_a_shark_-_20090120_094738.wmv - Idiot
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=55c_1232393654 - Effects of the global recession in the workplace...
http://franksemails.com/pics/doing-it-wrong - Interesting BJ... NOT safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/pr0n-for-women - Pr0n for women... safe for work.
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-19-1-09 - His mum sniffed his cock... ugh...
ass-breathe-right.wmv - Might help you follow through (and shit the bed) a bit easier too...
bestworkbootcommercial_ever-1_-_20090119_100526.wmv - Noice boots... Not safe for work. Also note that there's a bit of a pause in the video at the start, but you don't miss much.
luciano_-_20090119_100036.wmv - Squid behaviour...
an_odd_couple_-_20090119_100957.wmv - Dogs are awesome... And so is this elephant...
http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f7/i-got-married-last-weekend-pics-877461/ - Seen one of these pics before, but with these extra ones, I just puked in my mouth...
http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Shouldn-t-Post-Picture-t249231.html - Heh...
the_bravest_dog_in_the_world.wmv - Dogs are awesome...
http://franksemails.com/pics/in-the-background - In the background
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-16-1-09 - Motivational pics... Some recycled, some not safe for work...
kid_pushed_down_hill_in_barrel.wmv - Future Darwin awards candidate...
mad_driving_skills.wmv - Nice!
guys_bike_breaks_in_half_on_ramp.wmv - Pwned!
wheelie_showoff_goes_bad.wmv - Pwned!
walk_in_fridge.wmv - Fantastich!
747_struck_by_lightning.wmv - Don't tase me bro!
http://coworkthailand.com/say/ - Very good. Inspired by the xkcd link I posted earlier today.
http://xkcd.com/530/ - :)
dances_to_single_ladies.wmv - The biggest turn-on is when the camera shakes like there's an earthquake...
bugatti-veyron.pps - Some nice pics of the Veyron...
scrotum-scrub.wmv - Scrotum scrub... Somewhat unsafe for work...
censor_bar_art.wmv - The unsafe for work bits have been censored out...
http://switch434-01.castup.net/cunet/gm.asp?ai=434&ar=CH2News_2 - Guns, bombs and roosters, and the morning call to prayer is what i hear... Live web cam from Gaza for those of you interested...
thegreatestprankcallever_wmvv8.wmv - One of my all-time favourites... Ye olde, but ye goode..
small_pig_versus_african_lion_-_20090112_091317.wmv - Someone needs to remind the lion of its place in the food chain...
mountain-dew_fluo_-_20090104_105205.wmv - Good for rave parties...
extreemsports_-_20090104_111402.wmv - Scheisse!!!
http://franksemails.com/pics/old-computer-ads - Brings back some memories...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-13-1-09 - Misc pics - some not safe for work
http://franksemails.com/pics/confucius-say - Confucius Say
http://franksemails.com/pics/bowl-game - Bowl game
grandmas_big_surprise.wmv - That'd be the last thing i'd wanna see my grandma do...
owned_compilation_2008.wmv - Pwned...
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=cc3_1231560680 - A bit Un-PC...
http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/dominionpost/4812583a23881.html - Here's a pic of the helmet...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_PxALy22utc - Here's the guy who exposed it...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cdbYsoEasio - This is great. I've also heard another sound effect (water dripping) that's quite often used in movies which I first heard playing Quake many moons ago... I certainly remember the scream used in Star Wars.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7813418.stm - I'd like to see a photo of a pumpkin helmet :)
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/01/06/vail-chairlift-accident-l_n_155578.html - Poor guy... he would've suffered from shrinkage too...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1105689/The-1m-year-motorway-speed-camera-CAUSING-accidents.html - Sorry... 8 days into the new year and I couldn't help myself with the politics....
http://www.theonion.com/content/video/apple_introduces_revolutionary - Apple's latest innovation is sure to impress. The level of detail that The Onion goes to for these 'news reports' is phenomenal.
http://www.spschat.com/Shocked/Princess.htm - Uh.... the site itself is safe, but the clips on them aren't.
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=595_1231030906 - Funny stuff...
http://www.bbqaddicts.com/blog/recipes/bacon-explosion/ - Nothing short of delicious.
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/technology/703686/iboobs-application-rejected-by-apple - Well, I've been in the market for a new phone for a couple of months now. If Apple didn't reject this app, I would've bought an iPhone...
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/18/20090102/tod-rare-bugatti-untouched-for-50-years-6058bda.html - "Rare Bugatti untouched for 50 years could fetch millions: report"
http://sneezl.com/hit-in-the-nuts-x16/ - Quite painful to watch. Make sure you watch the last one - trust the Japanese to make this into a game show.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7vo7tBpT7T0 - Uh... Use headphones at work.
digital_future-4.wmv - Setting up your digital set top box...
xa_gt_insane_horsepower.wmv - XA GT Falcon - with extra horses...
http://franksemails.com/pics/pretty-misc-pics - Pretty misc pics
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-5-1-09 - Misc pics
http://franksemails.com/pics/calvins-snowmen - Nice snowmen :)
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/706427/bush-sr-touts-younger-son-for-presidency - Oh man I hope he becomes a future US president... So many peoples heads would explode!
----------Happy new year everyone! Hope you had a great xmas/new years day. Back to the grindstone today...
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=377 - See ya next year!
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-19-12-08 - Misc pics...
http://franksemails.com/pics/404-pages - 404
http://franksemails.com/pics/goodbye-gwb - BEST PRESIDENT EVAH!!!!!!111
http://franksemails.com/pics/santas-gmail - The guy who hacked into Sarah Palin's hotmail account strikes again...
http://franksemails.com/pics/who_says_you_cant_take_it_with_you - Heh...
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/1217081mugyear1.html - Best mugshots of 08
http://jarsquatter.com/ - Here's that nasty (NOT SAFE FOR WORK) 1 guy 1 cup video clip in a more convenient URL...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=npHWX1dciOE - Heh...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Db3HsIjqavY&e - Re-enactment of Shoegate...
mordiscosdeanimales_-_20081216_101919.wmv - Humans behaving badly...
natural_contraceptives.pps - One dose per year should do the trick - NOT safe for work.
pc-revenge.wmv - Revenge
ho-ho-effing-ho.wav - Wonderful song to add to your playlist on Christmas day... Use headphones at work...
dog-root-puke.wmv - Waste not want not...
500_dollars_vs_5_dollars.wmv - Uh... Not safe for work...
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/1211081vanhalen1.html - No brown m&ms...
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6f9_1229624796 - Jingle Bells Played with 49 Microwaves - Time and money well spent...
http://www.sockandawe.com/ - This one's much better than yesterday's Iraqi journalist game... Unfortunately the site that's hosting it is a bit too slow. Must be getting a deluge of traffic since i found it on a news site.
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2008/12/fck-wayne.html - Poor Wayne...
http://flash.vg.no/grafikk/2008/bush/kast_sko.html - Fun for about 2 seconds, but pretty funny... Should have a version where you throw your shoes at Saddam Hussein and have to escape to avoid execution...
http://james.nerdiphythesoul.com/bennyhillifier/?id=SCk4ywD_yyM - Again, Benny Hillified...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1094887/Caught-camera-The-amazing-moment-plane-crash-landed--bowled-hapless-COW.html - For a moment, the cow thought - "Oh noes, not teh ubduction again!?!1..."
dolphins_clip.wmv - Delicious!
christmaslights.wmv - Fantastic Christmas house
roadragerevenge.wmv - This'd be funny if Benny Hillified... http://james.nerdiphythesoul.com/bennyhillifier
http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/today/index.ssf/2008/12/holland_township_family_angry.html - Stupid parents, poor kids...
sh-basket.wmv - Looks like this TV show can now afford more expensive props...
claroquecabe_-_20081215_100918.pps - Probably a couple i haven't seen before in here...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-15-12-08 - Misc pics... One isn't safe for work.
http://www.efukt.com/2344_Amputee_Porn_Gone_Bad.html - Uh... NOT safe for work (pr0n). Would be funny if you could Benny Hillify this one, but alas, youtube wouldn't allow it, and that site doesn't do other video sites.
http://james.nerdiphythesoul.com/bennyhillifier/?id=spz8_rpE0e0 - You can even Benny Hillify a Benny Hill video...
http://james.nerdiphythesoul.com/bennyhillifier/?id=DnhPeDkLrQo - This has to be one of the bestest inventions on teh intearweb. Enter a youtube ID and listen to it Benny Hillify it! Fantastic!
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4j3w1QfV35I - Oh dear...
----------Had problems with my email (was over my 7 gig gmail quota) - all good now. Thanks Big Al!
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=f1eMZ4vufLM - Dogs are awesome...
http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=6468 - ???????? Not safe for work...
http://www.spazzstick.com/ - I wonder if you can get it in decaf...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oJSJc2hTTgs - With Mr T's blessing, this should go viral...
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2008/12/big-3-bailout.html - The Big 3's latest advertising campaign...
http://msunderestimated.com/SNLBailoutSkit.wmv - Here's the original unedited clip... Funny 'cause it's true :)
http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/06/the-missing-snl-bailout-skit-and-the-soros-connection/ - Interesting... I guess one way to make a video clip popular is to try very hard to take it down...
prank_-_20081211_102848.wmv - Alternative outcome: the talcum powder caught fire and it was like she pointed a flamethrower at her face...
http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/nyc/907788944.html - Just trying to help an old lady out...
merry-terrorist-xmas.wmv - WTF!?
http://www2.b3ta.com/merrychristmas/ - b3ta's xmas message...
Dogs Rule! - Correct!
http://bewareofthedoghouse.com/VideoPage.aspx - Actually, it looks like a nice escape...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-tshirts - Some not quite safe for work...
http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/and - Correct.
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2008/12/daddy-where-do-jobs-come-from.html - Correct.
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2008/12/correct.html - Correct.
http://www.entertonement.com/clips/31164/Duck-Job/Radio/Duck-Job - Been a while since i've heard this... ye olde classique...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-10-12-08 - Misc pics... The 3d one isn't safe for work, provided your work-mates are good at seeing 3d pics...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=mSvJwUFI_es - Pulp Muppets
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ8fTgQvrMA - Not so lucky... Ripper of a clip :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9YKBml4j28 - Lucky...
hughonsnlkangaroo.wmv - 'tis true!
http://deputy-dog.com/2008/11/urban-knitting-worlds-most-inoffensive.html - Inoffensive my rear end - i'm appalled!
http://franksemails.com/pics/videogame-violence - Mario should be banned!!!
http://franksemails.com/pics/awww - Awww....
http://current.com/items/88817277/penis_restaurant.htm - YEAH!!! Eat that dick, bitch! Safe for work...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1092179/The-strong-arm-law-19-stone-body-building-policeman-Britains-hardest-copper.html - Just as well British cops get piss-weak little cars to drive in - wouldn't wanna mess with this guy.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5lwWyvTn2gM - Nice beatboxing...
http://www.efukt.com/2339_The_Worst_Sex_Accident_Of_All_Time.html - NOT safe for work (it's a pr0n site). This guy has lowered the bar to a whole new level, and started digging.
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=366 - :)
http://forum.franksemails.com/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=365 - :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-5-12-08 - Misc pics
free-breast-exam.wmv - Free Breast Exams!
spank_that_ass.wmv - Gay (bit unsafe for work)
mitre_10_advert.wmv - Allowing children to develop that accent is child abuse...
http://www.theage.com.au/national/how-many-beers-does-it-take-to-cross-the-road-20081203-6qnz.html - Not a bad game...
http://xkcd.com/512 - I'm RICH!!!!
http://franksemails.com/pics/word-to-your - Heh (tm)
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-3-12-08 - Fail!
jingle_bells_on_sexual_organs.wmv - Get into the xmas cheer with this one... NOT safe for work.
beer_and_boats.doc - Don't drink and drive...
mtv-dont-drink-and-drive.wmv - Don't drink and drive...
theblackhole.wmv - The Black Hole!
poor-santa.wmv - Poor Santa... NOT safe for work.
http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-us&vid=52fdd8fd-b410-41fc-862a-bbfcd7acba89 - Weirdness scale - [Normal------Strange------Weird------Bizzare------JAPAN]
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8e3_1228084617 - Very good :)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/dorset/7758112.stm - This has to be the best prank ever. Surely it's a prank. Make sure you check out the "In pictures" section and the video of the website below it.
http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080903 - :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/military-humour - :)
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-motivational-posters-3-12-08 - Noice! - Not quite safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/xmas-gift-ideas-for-blokes - XMas ideas for blokes...
suzuki_-_20081202_180705.wmv - Underwater Suzuki
http://www.tbitw.com/ - Ridiculous, but if i had to look at it, then so should you. Make sure you watch it 'til the end.
http://www.theage.com.au/national/twofaced-kitten-born-in-perth-20081120-6cpv.html - You two-faced son-of-a.... oh...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-pics-2-12-08 - Motivational pics
http://video.kenblockracing.com/flash - WOW!
new_zillund.pdf - End i slupped end trupped and rupped my knutted whuncheeter...
http://franksemails.com/pics/bad-santa - That time of year again folks - all the recycled xmas emails should be floating around teh intarweb soon enough...
venicecarnival3.pps - Freak show!
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=96xRToUdzD0 - What the!?
http://franksemails.com/pics/geek-xmas - Geek Xmas...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-28-11-08 - Misc pics
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/4253849.stm - Ouch...
sandiego.wmv - Oh dear... This one's pretty graphic.
saferrrrrrtruck.wmv - Oh dear...
http://www.b3ta.com/challenge/macho/ - b3ta - where the best misc pics come from...
http://www.myinterestingfiles.com/2008/10/old-man-shits-his-pant-during-bungee-jumping.html - He forgot his Depends...
http://franksemails.com/pics/noice-tshirts - Noice... A bit unsafe for work...
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs - Father 400 BABIES!!!! (And run faster than a Kenyan...)
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=671690&rss=yes - "Would they please not go back where they came from?" - Heh :)
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=R6H0i1RAdHk - Translated rap battle - fantastic!
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-25-11-08 - Misc pics...
photos_originales.pps - More misc pics in powerpoint format... One of 'em isn't safe for work.
snake-vs-kangaroo.pps - And after this, the snake got up and hopped away...
http://franksemails.com/pics/happy-couple-purchasing-new-chev - Cute couple...
security-cam.wmv - Caught on camera... Not safe for work...
http://www.flixxy.com/helicopter-cable-inspector.htm - Quite a job...
http://business.theage.com.au/business/bosses-go-begging-but-keep-silver-spoons-20081120-6cst.html - "I mean, couldn't you all have downgraded to first class or jet-pooled or something to get here?" - "Jet pooled" - ha!
funniestjokeintheworld.mp3 - Dunno about it being the funniest joke ever, but it's pretty damn funny...
howtostacktyres.wmv - It knows its place...
best-water-slide-ever.wmv - This NEEDS to be invented...
http://www.orangelabel.com/icons.htm - And in case they fix the error - orangelabelfail.jpg.
http://franksemails.com/pics/wonderful-to-be-drunk - Some aren't safe for work...
centrum.wmv - Noice...
http://bacontoday.com/turbaconducken-turducken-wrapped-in-bacon/ - The ultimate recipe...
http://englishrussia.com/?p=1691 - Almost at a Japanese level of bizzareness...
http://www.howobamagotelected.com/ - People don't vote, our elites in the Mainstream Media do...
http://franksemails.com/pics/cricket-commentary - I have it on good authority that this was published on a live cricket web-commentary site...
white_house.jpg - Been a bit slow with the Obama jokes...
wii-tennis.wmv - Actually, stroking the Wiimote like this is the best way to putt in Wii golf...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1087437/Man-carefully-planned-chainsaw-death-losing-eviction-battle-developers.html - Ugh... Quite a 'creative' way to do it...
nopaperneeded.pps - Misc pics Now in powerpoint format!. One of the pics isn't safe for work.
sexytimegarden.pps - Noice garden! A bit unsafe for work...
http://www.theonion.com/content/video/obama_win_causes_obsessive?utm_source=onion_rss_daily - Poor Obamatons...
http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-au&brand=ninemsn&vid=942187af-ebdd-40d9-9f77-5e51c46c0b87&fg=rss&from=imbot_en-au_general - Extreeeem mountain goat climbing
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=200_1227043754 - Stupid penguins... that'll learn 'em for devolving so that they can't fly...
http://franksemails.com/pics/motivational-pics-20-11-08 - Motivational pics...
home_movies_howablondepoledances.wmv - If it were repeated in fast-forward instead she'd look like a jackhammer...
http://www.mailorderhusbands.net/order/ - Get in early ladies!
http://franksemails.com/pics/fashion-shoes-and-sandles - Ugh...
http://franksemails.com/pics/misc-pics-18-11-08 - Misc pics... A couple aren't safe for work...
http://franksemails.com/pics/internet-setup-chinese-hotel - Introsuction of network disposition for Great Firewall of China
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=667093 - "The internet is a playground and I would not have it any other way" - me neither.
http://captaincapitalism.blogspot.com/2008/11/peter-schiff.html - This guy should be dishing out humble pie by the tonne...
dont_invite_this_guy_for_free_beers.wmv - Wow...
jet-drag.wmv - Heh...
culturatrips-striper.wmv - He paid extra for that... NOT safe for work.

Archived stuff:

Click the dates below to access older stuff...

9/6/08 - 17/11/08
31/12/07 - 9/6/08
17/7/07 - 31/12/07
1/1/07 - 17/7/07
26/8/06 - 31/12/06
23/2/06 - 25/8/06
6/6/06 - 23/2/06
22/2/06 - epoch.

You can send stuff to me here:
send me pr0n!
If i like it and it's not too old or it's an "oldie, but a goodie", i'll put it up. And no, I don't normally give credit.

Links to sites that i regularly visit:

The Best Page in the Universe
Captain Capitalism
Bestest hacking site in teh internet
Anti-idiotarians click here!
Shining a psychological spotlight on a few of the insanities of life
Andrew Bolt
Snopes.com - read this before you send out  stupid chain mail

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